Options for making your gift
Cash gift
Cash is the simplest way to contribute and is fully tax-deductible.
Recurring gift
A monthly recurring gift assigned to a checking account or credit card.
Multi-year pledges
Pledges may be fulfilled in installments over a period of up to five years. We will send a periodic reminder to let you know when your next payment is due.
Appreciated securities
Stocks, bonds, or mutual funds that have appreciated may be given. Securities owned longer than one year are tax deductible at the fair market value on the date of the gift. You must make a gift of the security itself, rather than selling it first and donating the cash, to avoid tax on the profit. The church may accept only stocks that can be liquidated. There is no capital gains tax associated with a gift of appreciated securities.
Real estate
Some donors may be interested in making a gift of a private residence, commercial property, vacation home, farm, or undeveloped land. The income tax deduction for appreciated real estate may be taken at the full market value of the property on the day of the gift, and no capital gains tax is owed. Generally more complex than cash or securities, these gifts need to be approved by the church’s Property Committee.
Donor-advised funds
Consult your financial advisor about using a donor-advised fund.
Individual Retirement Accounts
If you are 70½ or older at the time of the gift, you may make a tax-free gift from your IRA. Known as the IRA charitable rollover, this law no longer has an expiration date, so you are free to make annual gifts to the church from your IRA this year and well into the future. You may transfer up to $100,000 directly from your IRA. This opportunity applies only to IRAs, not to other types of retirement plans.
For more information, please contact Christine Ciaccio, Director of Finance, at 336-478-4750 or cciaccio@fpcgreensboro.org.

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Sanctuary, Smith, Memorial
Mullin Life Center
Corl Building
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Email Becky Veraar, co-chair,