Other investments
The capital campaign will also support:
Building Preservation Endowment Fund
Five percent of the fund is used annually for upkeep and repair, freeing up more annual gifts for ministry.
Benchmark One: $1 million
Sid & Cathy Batts Pastoral Residency
This program serves as an apprenticeship for new seminary graduates. Its alumni are serving as pastors and chaplains from Salisbury to Asheville NC, to Minneapolis, Minn., and Grand Island, Neb. The campaign would fund six more years.
Rev. Rachel Fitch is our current resident.
“I have been blessed to learn from each of the pastors and others involved in various ministries of the church as I am invited into planning, preparing, leading, praying, and reflecting together. I have gained from their faith, passion, expertise, and wisdom shared so freely. The residency has helped me to learn and to discern where I am being called in the next step of my pastoral journey.”
Benchmark Three: $450,000

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Campaign overview
Message from our co-chairs
Message from our pastor
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Campaign objectives
Sanctuary, Smith, Memorial
Mullin Life Center
Corl Building
Other support
Ways to Support
the Capital Campaign
Questions about the campaign?
Email Becky Veraar, co-chair,