An overview of the campaign
See our 12-page printed guide to the campaign here.
BENCHMARK ONE: $7,929,300
Repair & Replacement, $4,320,000
Construction Resources, $150,000
Contractor trailer, storage pods for equipment and materials, etc.
Sanctuary, Smith & Memorial, $4,170,000
Scaffolding; brick tuck-pointing; window & roofing repairs; landscaping; wood,
stucco replacement. Cast stone repairs to Sanctuary, elevator controls replacement and asbestos abatement in Memorial.
Technology Systems, $358,000
Replace wireless access points, firewall & wireless controls, staff laptops, analog
cameras, and sanctuary dimmer switches; Life Center A/V enhancements.
Organ Preservation, $100,000
Contingency , $1,242,400
Administrative Costs, $402,400
Design; fees, permits, insurance, bond; legal review; testing; drawings
Financing Costs, $400,500
Campaign Expenses, $106,000
Building Preservation Fund, $1,000,000
BENCHMARK TWO: $1,180,375
Repair & Replacement, $760,000
Construction Resources, $100,000
Memorial Building, $150,000
HVAC replacement
Corl Building, $510,000
Asbestos abatement & testing; HVAC & cabinetry replacement; new flooring, ceiling, paint
Preschool Relocation, $184,300
Furniture storage, moving, temporary facility leasing
Contingency, $236,075
Repair & Replacement, $495,000
Construction Resources, $50,000
Memorial Building, $300,000
Basement waterproofing
Mullin Life Center, $145,000
Elevator control replacement; HVAC unit replacement to meet EPA guidelines
Contingency, $121,081
Pastoral Residency Program, $450,000
10% tithe of amount raised

Capital campaign home
Campaign overview
Message from our co-chairs
Message from our pastor
Campaign leadership
Campaign FAQs
Campaign videos
Campaign objectives
Sanctuary, Smith, Memorial
Mullin Life Center
Corl Building
Other support
Ways to Support
the Capital Campaign
Questions about the campaign?
Email Becky Veraar, co-chair,