A message from our co-chairs
It is an honor and privilege to share news of our 2024 Capital Campaign – Rooted and Reaching in Christ’s Love. We look forward with much enthusiasm to Sunday, February 18, when we launch our churchwide journey of prayer, gratitude and faith and connect God-entrusted resources with God-inspired visions.
Prayer throughout the journey will bring us into a closer relationship with God and a deeper biblical understanding of stewardship. The spirituality of giving is certainly a belief that needs to be passed to new generations. Everything that we have is a gift from God and God still owns 100% of these blessings! A call to prayer invites us to bring the real owner into the decision-making process. Our prayer will be for the experience of joy in the making of our gifts, while we become Spirit-led changemakers for good as our vision statement declares.
Gratitude is the wellspring of generosity, and that can be very contagious in a congregation like ours that is thriving and creating an impact on our community and the world. We will be participating in a vision that will make a difference to the Kingdom – impacting people’s lives, preserving a historic and beautiful sanctuary, securing a foundation for future ministry, drawing closer to God with our gifts, while doing this in community with one another.
Faith guides our journey because we believe the vision is essential, urgent, and critical. Vision drives a campaign – it is a powerful means to an end, but not the end itself. The end, of course, is the purpose of the church – to grow disciples and to minister to people in the name of Christ.
Will we do this perfectly? Of course not! Let’s lay aside paradigms and narratives about perfection because that is impossible.
What is very possible is transformation! Let’s expand our Presbyterian motto of “The church reformed and always reforming according to the word of God” into a new mantra – FPC, transformed and always transforming, according to the love of Christ.
Blessings for all our journeys!
Lauren & Will Martin
Becky & John Veraar

Capital campaign home
Campaign overview
Message from our co-chairs
Message from our pastor
Campaign leadership
Campaign FAQs
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Campaign objectives
Sanctuary, Smith, Memorial
Mullin Life Center
Corl Building
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Ways to Support
the Capital Campaign
Questions about the campaign?
Email Becky Veraar, co-chair,