An overview of the campaign

See our 12-page printed guide to the campaign here.

BENCHMARK ONE: $7,929,300

Repair & Replacement, $4,320,000
Construction Resources, $150,000
Contractor trailer, storage pods for equipment and materials, etc.
Sanctuary, Smith & Memorial, $4,170,000
Scaffolding; brick tuck-pointing; window & roofing repairs; landscaping; wood,
stucco replacement. Cast stone repairs to Sanctuary, elevator controls replacement and asbestos abatement in Memorial.
Technology Systems, $358,000
Replace wireless access points, firewall & wireless controls, staff laptops, analog
cameras, and sanctuary dimmer switches; Life Center A/V enhancements.
Organ Preservation, $100,000
Contingency , $1,242,400
Administrative Costs, $402,400
Design; fees, permits, insurance, bond; legal review; testing; drawings
Financing Costs, $400,500
Campaign Expenses, $106,000
Building Preservation Fund, $1,000,000

BENCHMARK TWO: $1,180,375

Repair & Replacement, $760,000
Construction Resources, $100,000
Memorial Building, $150,000
HVAC replacement
Corl Building, $510,000
Asbestos abatement & testing; HVAC & cabinetry replacement; new flooring, ceiling, paint
Preschool Relocation, $184,300
Furniture storage, moving, temporary facility leasing
Contingency, $236,075


Repair & Replacement, $495,000
Construction Resources, $50,000
Memorial Building, $300,000
Basement waterproofing
Mullin Life Center, $145,000
Elevator control replacement; HVAC unit replacement to meet EPA guidelines
Contingency, $121,081
Pastoral Residency Program, $450,000


10% tithe of amount raised