Rev. Dolly Jacobs
Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care
Maya Angelou once wrote, “The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.”
For most of us, home indeed is the safe place we turn to in different stages of our life as a shelter from life’s storms. 2020 and the first 5 months of 2021 have indeed been filled with storms. From the pandemic to racial tensions and politics, I have been very grateful to know my safe haven was to shut all of the worldly storms out and be home with Bill and the girls.
Yet, this year of tumult has been a year of inward change for each and every one of us. We’ve examined and realized what is important and what is superfluous. We’ve had moments of great courage and strength, and, if you are like me, we’ve had awakenings of where our weaknesses lie and how we need to wrestle with them.
What I pray and hope for you is that, amidst all that has happened, you have remembered that First Presbyterian Church has been and will continue to be our spiritual home. This is the place we are named and claimed as God’s children. And while we haven’t been able to physically be together, we have done our very best to continue to stay connected as the body of Christ.
As we carefully and thoughtfully return to physically being with one another on our beloved campus, I encourage you to be patient with one another and our “new normal.” Know that each decision we make and each guideline that is in place is to care for everyone.
I look forward to seeing you soon at our spiritual home, the place where we indeed are encouraged to come as we are and know we will not be questioned.