Two weeks ago, Redhead Hall wasn’t only the home to the Young Men’s Bible Class, but also to young messy beautiful children!
Or, you might say, the Kids Disciple Club (KDC). As the Vacation Bible School kids took over the Life Center as they were ‘diving into the deep, deep love of Jesus,’ the 3rd-5th grade KDC group were ‘making waves by serving others.’ KDC was a week filled with graham cracker crumbs and blue jello, colored paper and foam stickers, pipe cleaners and games, Scripture and songs. It was a week full of energy and one where the kids used their creativity and time to complete projects and create pieces to be given to our neighbors.
It was a beautiful week that felt chaotic at times with 23 kids running about playing a freeze dance game or various forms of tag. But it was also a week of compassion and care poured out. It was a week in which the kids got a glimpse of all that this church does to share Christ’s love and they got to participate in that sharing of love and care.
As we looked at what it means to be a disciple, we focused on Matthew 25 and caring for all of our neighbors. They made snack mix and tied Scripture verses to water bottles for our neighbors at Hot Dish and Hope, created cards for those who are sick in our congregation, compiled welcome activity bags for children who are immigrating to Greensboro, decorated bookmarks and cards for those in prison, and they collected children’s underwear for Backpack Beginnings. Through it all they gave the gift of their time, love, and care.
It was a joy to see the kids learn more and to see the thoughtfulness and excitement as they completed these projects. Our card making station turned into a lesson on how to make pop-up cards as one girl taught her group and they all excitedly began creating. Our drawing of smiley faces on tags for the welcome activity bags were made into intricate cute and funny winking faces that will surely make the children who receive them smile. Our making of snack mix was done with enthusiasm and joy as the kids used their gloved hands to mix the giant bowl full of ingredients. It was a full and fun week.
It was also a joy to hear from Dan as he shared about the jail ministry and Tamara as she shared about the family she has helped welcome. There are so many more who could have come and shared as it is a gift to see the way the Spirit is at work in this place. It is a gift so see the way you all welcome and care for so many so well.
As we closed the week, we were reminded of why we do all these things for our neighbors. “We love, because God first loved us” – 1 John 4:19. Know that you are a beloved child of God who is dearly loved and thank you for all the ways you share Christ’s love in the community.
In Joy, Rachel
P.S. If you see anyone who helped with KDC or VBS or the housekeeping staff who kept us in order, please give them additional thanks for a wonderful week!