Rev. Jill Duffield
Senior Pastor
We are on the journey to Jerusalem, a few weeks into the forty days of Lent, but not far from the Jesus’ last supper, the cross and, yes, thankfully, the empty tomb. This year we will again mark the Triduum—Maundy Thursday through Easter—with a variety of special worship services, each different and all, we pray, deeply meaningful. We will begin in the Mullin Life Center on Maundy Thursday at 6pm. Our Rejoice! band will be leading our music and we will gather around tables. Our Hot Dish and Hope guest will have just finished dinner and we hope they will join us for the Lord’s Supper, too. Each table will have a host to ensure everyone feels welcomed and comfortable. Pastors and staff members will bring basins of water to each table and invite you to dip your hands in the bowl. Symbolizing Jesus’ act of service in washing the disciples’ feet, we will then dry each person’s hands in preparation for Communion. After the Words of Institution have been offered, the table host will begin passing the bread and cup at their respective table. We’ll close with singing and passing of the peace.
As Jesus joined his closest friends, served them and gave them the new commandment, “love one another,” we will sit with our friends and neighbors and embody his instructions on Maundy Thursday. We’ve not done this before and, frankly, I don’t know how it will go. I do, however, know that Jesus Christ will be seated around the table with us, just as he promised. I do know that the Holy Spirit is already preparing those of us who will participate. I do know that even if nothing goes as we plan, we will worship God and that will be more than enough.
I hope you will join us on Maundy Thursday and also on Good Friday for our Tenebrae service in the Sanctuary. Come back on Holy Saturday as we begin the Easter vigil in the columbarium. Get up before dawn on Easter Sunday for the sunrise service and then come back a little later for one of our two identical services in the sanctuary. It will be a full few days with a wide variety of services.
I would ask you to be in prayer for all of our Lenten and Holy Week services. Pray that we will come with the right heart and leave more Christ-like. Pray that we would be open to hearing God’s Word in order to better do God’s will. Pray that everyone who comes will be blessed and know they are beloved. Pray that those of us who lead worship will rightly hear and heed the Holy Spirit. Pray that all we do will glorify God, in worship and, indeed, everywhere.