During March our 200th anniversary celebration focuses on Outreach. Member Tamara Slaughter shares stories of service to our community and the world.
Habitat For Humanity is an ecumenical Christian organization that builds affordable homes for purchase by low-income families. While the idea of Habitat didn’t originate at First Presbyterian, more than 100 FPC members met at our church in 1987 for Habitat’s first Greensboro chapter organizational meeting. Since then, FPC has helped build numerous houses and given generously of time, talent, and resources. Our church also hosted the Habitat Greensboro offices in the Shetler Building for a decade.
By 1989, FPC had built a strong relationship with Habitat. Our church donated while members began working on a house. In March 1994, we held a “blitz” where 50 FPC volunteers helped complete a build. The 1998-1999, our capital campaign set aside $42,500 for Habitat of Greensboro. In 2000, FPC built its first sponsored Habitat home. A women’s Habitat house was built 2003-2004 with FPC women swinging the hammers.
In 2004, FPC committed $250,000 over five years to build five more houses. We joined with Anderson Grove Baptist Church and Temple Emanuel to build the next house; in 2005-2006, FPC and Temple Emanuel constructed one more.
Habitat and FPC worked together to renovate part of the Shelter Building which became Habitat Greensboro’s office space from 2007 to 2017. Habitat used campus facilities for homeowner orientations, team training, and meetings. This demonstrated our strong partnership for increasing affordable housing options in our community.
In 2017, First Presbyterian joined the coalition of faith communities called Building On Faith. We also joined business partners and churches to fund Habitat’s 30th anniversary house. In 2018, First Presbyterian gave $20,000 to repair homes after a tornado whipped through east Greensboro. In 2020, FPC continued to support Building On Faith by gifting $30,450.
Our church continued homebuilding, fully sponsoring nine homes and partnering on seven. From our Rooted & Reaching Capital Campaign Habitat will receive $560,000 over five years, bringing the church’s total support above $900,000. First Presbyterian members have also given generously their time, talents, and resources, serving as board members, weekday volunteer crew, lunch providers, mission trip volunteers, skilled volunteers on worksites, and financial partners.
Through our enduring partnership, First Presbyterian continues to put faith into action, ensuring families have safe, affordable homes and a foundation for a better future.