Rev. Newton Cowan, Transitional Director for Pastoral Care
One by one we filed out of Anderson Auditorium and made our way around Lake Susan. With only the streetlights and a few flashlights we stood side by side holding out our candles. Slowly from different spots the light began to be shared and one by one each candle became alive. The Holy Spirit was present as we sang and the reflection in the lake was magical.
The closing of week 5 Montreat had begun. As we stood there, a woman next to me, said, “we really enjoyed sitting behind your group this week.” Assuming that was a good thing, I said, thank you, but why? She said, “the energy that your kids brought lifted our group and we fed off that energy.” Indeed, there was a lot of energy each day.
I, along with Donna, Nolan, Rachel, and Kim, were all blessed to be present on the mountain with an amazing group of young people. A good mix of first-timers and those who had been for years. We all grew in our faith and shared laughter and even some tears. Not to mention some incredible meals as the youth were broken into groups and created menus and cooked each night.
We are blessed as a community of faith to have such incredible youth. And as we begin a new chapter, God is at work in the lives of our youth and our youth ministry. Thanks be to God for 2022 week 5 Montreat youth group. Let us all live into the hope of what is ahead.