By Katharine Farless
The first time Graham and I walked into the grand sanctuary at First Presbyterian, we were searching for our new church home, having just moved from Chapel Hill to Greensboro the year prior.
We were expecting our first child, and I was adamant that before our baby was born we would become committed members of a church where we could raise him as part of an extended family. I was fortunate to have that childhood experience — a church family who knew me well from infancy until I left for college, and the people who I still want to see when I return to my hometown of Lexington.
Having a church home meant community, purpose, a shared sense of values, and a safe place to grow. Graham and I were warmly welcomed at First Presbyterian, and it has become home for us and our now three sons. Our boys have been rocked in the nursery by Mrs. Debby, baptized by three special pastors — Sid, Dolly and Neil — entertained at Vacation Bible School, taught by devoted Sunday school teachers, remembered on their birthdays by Mrs. Lisa, and formed important relationships with friends young and old. My mission in 2010 to find a church home to raise my children was accomplished.
For Graham and me the commitment to give to our church stems from our desire to express thankfulness, to recognize our many blessings and use them to glorify God. Plus, we give for our boys — for all the impactful experiences at First Presbyterian they’ve had thus far and ones awaiting them in the future.
There is glory upon glory happening within the walls of our church, and extending out to our community, and it is our desire to keep that glory going. We are fortunate to be part of this church family, and financially pledging is both our responsibility and privilege.
“I am the church, you are the church, we are the church together.” This sweet little song rings in my head when I think of how each one of us contributes our unique gifts, time, talents, and money to make up the church that we are together. The Farless family is thankful that we are the church with you!
Commitment Sunday is November 21.