During this pandemic, I believe God celebrates our creativity in how we are worshipping, studying, and caring for one another.
We continue to move forward as the body of Christ despite the obstacles in front of us. We lean into our faith in Jesus Christ who is our foundation and guide during this tumultuous time.
Here is the latest example: We will celebrate the sacrament of communion this Sunday, August 2, during our 10:30 am livestream worship! The Sacraments Team will hand out home communion kits in advance.
You can pick one up Wednesday, 10 am-noon and 4-6 pm, or Saturday, 9-11 am, on the drive-through in front of Redhead Hall. (On Wednesday, our canned food and school supplies drives will also be going on!)
We will deliver kits to our retirement communities so that those members can participate. If you are homebound and need delivery to your home, please let me know at djacobs@fpcgreensboro.org.
Also, this week our youth will deliver FPC face masks to those who have ordered them. Our pastoral staff agree that one way we can show the Greensboro community that we “love our neighbor” is to wear masks while out and about.
About 30 are left. If you would like to purchase one, here is the order form.
Finally, in your daily prayers, continue to lift up our Pastor Nominating Committee, our Session, and the essential workers of Greensboro in so many different fields who offer their God-given gifts daily to help each of us.
The hymn that continues to ring in my ears is, “They will know we are Christians by our love.”