FPC Children & Family E-News – *SUMMER EDITION*
July 7, 2021
Dear Families,
I am so excited to begin sharing with you some of our plans for fall! CLICK HERE TO WATCH A CHILDREN’S MINISTRY FALL PREVIEW VIDEO! Then, watch your mailbox next week for a “snail mail” letter with more details!
Coming up at FPC:
Even though it’s summer, there is still a lot happening!
- Join me and other FPC families on July 18 at 6pm for a picnic on the playground! More information and SIGN UP HERE.
We need THREE more folks to provide a backpack for Faith Action International families. Those who have signed up will receive the name(s) of a child and a list of supplies that child needs early next week. Read more and SIGN UP HERE.
- The FPC Race Task Force is working with the Greensboro History Museum to offer some family field trip opportunities this summer! On July 22, July 31, or August 3, join other FPC families for a hands on experience at the museum. Read more details and SIGN UP HERE.
- Finally, mark your calendars for September 18! We will once again come TOGETHER to package thousands of meals for hungry children through Meals of Hope. This is a great hands on, family service activity for ages five and up! SIGN UP HERE.
This Week’s Family Faith Practice:
*This summer, I will be sharing some spiritual practices you can try with your family . They may not all well for everyone, but I encourage you to try them all and see what your family likes best!
This week’s faith practice you can try at home with your family is simply noticing beauty. This can be done routinely or in an impromptu moment and it is very easy to do. Simply, spend five minutes (or even less if you have really young children) being quiet, breathing deeply, and NOTICING all the things around you – sights, sounds, smells, etc. It can be done while outside, while inside looking out a window, or even in the car. Once your five minutes is finished, ask each person what they noticed and, then, say a prayer of gratitude for all the beauty of God’s creation.
This Week’s Lesson Rewind:
*This summer, I will be re-sharing some Godly Play Video Lessons that were previously recorded. Enjoy watching them again! then, read the bibles stories together and discuss.
Take some time to watch THIS VIDEO of our former pastoral resident, Alexandra Mauney, sharing the Godly Play version of the Ten Best Ways (The Ten Commandments.)
For some fun music & movement, check out THIS SONG that kids LOVED during our Everest VBS a few years ago – it’s the POWER SHUFFLE!
As always, please reach out if you have questions, concerns, or suggestions! Summer blessings to you all!
Many Blessings,
Lisa Witherspoon
Director of Children’s Ministry
First Presbyterian Church, Greensboro