For our most up-to-date information, please see our coronavirus page.

Dear FPC families:

In line with guidance from Gov. Roy Cooper and recommendations from our Salem Presbytery, FPC is canceling all church-related events (including the Weekday Preschool Center and any church events scheduled off campus) through end of day Sunday, March 29.

We’ve made only two exceptions:

  • Hot Dish & Hope will convert to distributing take-out meals at the door.
  • Essential staff will have access to our facilities. The entire campus will undergo a deep cleaning.

It is said that adversity is the mother of invention and in the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. With our doors closed for a while (we pray not for long), we will need to discover new and creative ways to stay connected and to experience the warmth and strength of Christian fellowship.

One simple way is to make sure you all can easily get in touch with our pastors. You can find phone numbers and email addresses for our staff here; most of us will be checking our messages and emails remotely. And of course, in case of emergency you may still use our Pastor on Call at 336-908-8615.

We will live stream a 10:30 am worship service from the Sanctuary on Sundays. See details here.

Also know that Donna Chase and our Christian Formation staff are looking for ways we can continue to grow spiritually, especially online, during this different kind of sabbath time.

We will do our very best to make wise decisions for the good of the congregation. We also will continue to update you regularly and adapt quickly as things change. Please keep checking and our social media for updates. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to call.

“May you be made strong with all the strength which comes from his glorious power, so that you may be able to endure everything with patience.”  Colossians 1:11.

In Christ,

Rev. Neil Dunnavant, executive pastor