Senior Pastor Jill Duffield

Seeing someone make the most of the gifts God has given them is exhilarating.

Watching the Olympic athletes, after a lifetime of training giving it their all makes me cheer (while I watch on my sofa eating chips). Clearly, they have stewarded their talents through hard work and dedication, their natural abilities honed through countless hours of practice and personal sacrifice. I never ceased to be moved by their performance, but also by their commitment. But sports aren’t the only arena where I get a front row seat to incredible feats done with love and passion.

This summer I’ve been exhilarated and inspired watching the FPC staff use their God-given gifts in ways that reveal their incredible commitment to Jesus Christ. Many of us imagine that the church slows down between the end of May and the start of the school year and, in some ways, it does. Committee meetings cease for a brief season and we go to one worship service in July. But pastoral care needs don’t take a vacation, our children and youth program ramp up mightily, our expansive campus still needs to be cared for and cleaned, and Hot Dish & Hope takes place every Tuesday and Thursday.

Members of our FPC staff went from middle school to high school conferences with mere hours in between. Some chaperoned multiple overnight youth trips and then returned to the herculean joy of leading Vacation Bible School and Kids Disciple Club.

We also have had a staggering number of funerals over the past three months and Sunday morning worship never stops. Music, AV, bulletins, cleaning our spaces before and after happens for every service thanks to our staff.

As one of our colleagues at last week’s Salem Presbytery put it, “The summer hasn’t felt all that summery.” I think every member of our FPC staff deserves a gold medal.

But it isn’t just the staff that offer their gifts to the glory of God all year long: You do, too! In countless ways you serve and support and care, not only at church but in your daily lives. I’ve seen you practice your faith over and over again, stepping up to help, sacrificing for others, comforting those in pain and celebrating those who’ve finished their race.

So, while the summer hasn’t felt all the summery, it has indeed been one of joy, even through the challenges and sometimes the tears. If I could, I’d give you each a gold medal and whatever is in that little box the winners on the podium receive. What I can do is say thank you. Thank you, staff and members alike, for sharing your God-given gifts with love and generosity. It is exhilarating and inspiring to witness.