Hot Dish & Hope offers a meal each Tuesday and Thursday. Guests are welcome to eat in the Life Center or get a boxed meal at the door.
The statistics are staggering: Hunger affects thousands of people in our city and county. As a church, we work to fight hunger through:
Hot Dish & Hope
Hot Dish & Hope offers a free meal and a measure of hope in Mullin Life Center each Tuesday and Thursday evening. We support this ministry through volunteering and donating money. If you are interested in volunteering, sign up here.
To give money, use the special offering envelopes on Sundays, mail a check to 617 N. Elm St., Greensboro, NC 27401, or give online (on the form, click on the arrow beside Annual 2022 and select Neil Dunnavant Hunger Ministries). To learn more about Hot Dish & Hope contact Camille Townsend by email or call 336-908-2088.
Cans for Urban Ministry
Each week we collect canned food and other non-perishable food items for Greensboro Urban Ministry’s food pantry. The Wednesday Food Drive-by is held 11 am to 1 pm on the Elm Street side of the church. You may also bring your food donations to church and place them in the bins around campus. Be a greeter: Sign up for a 2-hour shift under the tent!
Meals on Wheels
Volunteers & substitutes needed to deliver meals to homebound seniors on the third Wednesdays of each month and on fifth Mondays during the year. Contact Linda Allen by email or call 336-549-3367.