Our Lent preview is available
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Church officer nominees
The 2024 Nominating Committee has proposed a slate of officers for the Class of 2028. For the office of elder, Andy Brantley, Allison Cochran, Tom Gillespie, Alice Moore, Anne Wagoner, and Hugh Willilams. For trustee, Louann Clarke. Learn more about them here. A Congregational meeting for the purpose of presenting the slate of officer nominees for election will be held Sunday, March 2. Because that day is also Confirmation Sunday, there will be one service at 11 am in the sanctuary. The meeting will begin immediately afterward.
APNC Slate Approved at Congregational Meeting
At the Session-called congregational meeting on January 19, a slate of members was approved to serve on the nominating committee for an Associate Pastor for Christian Formation. APNC Committee members are: Lisa Cook, Katherine Farless, Layne King, Will Martin, Paul Parker, Rebecca Sheaff, and Adrienne Woods. Learn more about them here. Donna Chase, current Director of Christian Formation, will retire in late spring. We will find many ways to say thank you and celebrate her in the days ahead. It will be exciting to welcome another called and installed pastor to our staff, leading our Christian Formation ministry, offering pastoral care, teaching and participating in worship leadership. Please be in prayer for Donna, those who will serve on the APNC, and the person God is calling to this work.
In Memory of Rev. Dolly Jacobs: A fund for education and well-being has been set up for Dolly’s daughters, Sydney and CeCe. Make checks payable to Stifel Investment Services. This must be written on the memo line: ½ to Sydney Hunt, 4733; ½ to Cornelia Hunt, 9315. You can mail checks directly to Stifel at 629 Green Valley Road, Suite 211, Greensboro, NC 27408 or send them to the church/leave at the reception desk and we will forward. Note: Do not make checks payable to the church; because of accounting rules we are unable to serve as a pass-through.
Job openings
The church is seeking a part-time Congregational Nurse and Director of the Sadye Bowles Fund. Contact Newton Cowan.
Child Protection Training
We are committed to the safety of children and youth. All FPC employees, members, and volunteers who work with children and youth must complete training and a background check. Learn more.
Church staff
Online giving
Make a pledge
- 2024-2025 Church Officers and Committee Leaders
- Minutes of the January 2025 Session meeting, approved in February 2025. For older digests, contact Debby Foster.
Text-Alert System
Join the text-alert system to receive updates about schedule changes via text. Make sure the church has your correct mobile number by emailing your information to Jennifer Gaddy.
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