Via web:
You can give securely with this link. You don’t need to set up an account unless your gift will be If your gift will be recurring. More information is available in this guide. If you have questions, please contact Patty Pope, Accountant, by email or phone, 336-478-4753. Because of privacy laws, she will not be able to create an account for you.
Via app:
Install this mobile app on your phone or netbook. Apple iOS or Android.
Via text:
Make a gift to our general fund, to our hunger ministries, or toward your annual pledge from your phone using these directions:
Create a text message and address it to 336-438-2799. In your message, type one of the keywords from the choices below.
- fpcgive
- fpchunger
- fpcpledge
You will receive a secure link that will navigate you through the remaining steps to complete your gift.