Hi families! It’s hard to believe we are already halfway through July!! I hope you are all having a fabulous summer!
**NEW: We are once again partnering with Faith Action International to help provide backpacks full of school supplies to 48 immigrant and refugee children in our community! If you would like to help, CLICK HERE to access the signup genius and read additional details.
LAST CALL FOR GREAT WOLF LODGE! If you have a rising 6th grader who would like to join the group going to Great Wolf Lodge on August 8-9, please reply to this email ASAP! Deadline is this Monday, July 25. Those who have signed up will receive an email from me next week with additional details. We have 14 kids already on the list to go! Yay!!!!
LAST CALL FOR VBS/KDC! Online registration is closed, but we still have room for some additional kiddos at VBS & KDC on August 1-4. If you are interested, please reach out by this Friday, July 22.
Reminder that NURSERY staff is taking some time off in July, but I am avialbe every Sunday and would LOVE hang out with littles ones in our nursery in MLC 101. I’ll be in the nursery at 8:50 if you need to bring children before the service.
- AUGUST 28 – Pancake breakfast in the Life Center at 9:30am followed by ONE worship service at 11am in the Sanctuary that will include a back to school blessing and installation/ordination of the incoming elders!
- SEPTEMBER 11 – Sunday school kickoff!! Fun, fellowship, and doughnuts on the Playground!
Please be in touch if you have any questions or concerns!
Lisa Witherspoon
Director of Children’s Ministry
First Presbyterian Church, Greensboro, NC
(336) 478-4726