Dear Families,
As we go barreling toward Advent, here’s what’s happening at FPC!
This Sunday
Regular Sunday school for kids as we continue with our “Follow Jesus” unit:
- Preschool – CORL 304
- Kindergarten-2nd – CORL 301
- 3rd-5th – CORL 306
Parents: Families Growing in Faith will join our adult elective for November! “Managing Stress During the Holidays” will meet in the **Garden Room** this week with Maddy Lowman leading.
Worship at 9am (Rejoice) or 11am Sanctuary as we observe All Saints Sunday and share communion.
Coming Up
- November 20: Regular Sunday School; ONE WORSHIP SERVICE at 11am as we celebrate dedication/stewardship Sunday, followed by a POTLUCK LUNCH in the Life Center. Bring a side dish or dessert to share!
- November 27: No children’s Sunday School; Regular worship at 9am & 11am; Nursery care will be available
**NEW**On December 4th, some wonderful church members are organizing volunteers and donating the big gingerbread church, but they could use some help collecting all the candy!! If you would be willing to provide some of the requested candy items, please SIGN UP HERE.**Items need to be delivered to church by Nov. 20. You can bring them to me on a Sunday or drop them at the welcome center 9am-3pm Monday-Thursday.
Other Notes and Info
Sunday afternoon, some 3rd-5th graders gathered for Kids Disciple Club. We looked up what the bible says about gratitude, made blessing bags to share with people experiencing homelessness, and played some fun games.
You can make your own blessing bags at home and keep them in your car to hand out. Some suggested items to include are chapstick, hand sanitizer, toothbrush toothpaste, socks, granola bars, sandwich crackers, water.
Our next KDC event will be on December 4, 3:00-4:30pmin the Life Center. We’ll talk about JOY, make some Christmas cards for pastors to share on hospital visits, and play some Christmas games!
Please be in touch if you have any questions or concerns!
Lisa Witherspoon
Director of Children’s Ministry
First Presbyterian Church, Greensboro, NC
(336) 478-4726