Dear Families,
Happy February! According to Punxsutawney Phil the groundhog, we should prepare for six more weeks of winter. Although, every day feels a bit like groundhog day right now, huh??? 🤣
Putting this at the top this time:
We’re bringing back Vacation Bible School in summer 2022!!! (Hopefully!) It will take place on August 1-4 from 9am-noon. We will be using our own curriculum, so our VBS won’t be like any other one in the community! However, our ability to offer VBS safely & effectively hinges on our volunteers. Please consider helping out if you can. If you can’t, but would like VBS to happen for your kids, please invite someone else in the congregation to volunteer. You can read more about the available volunteer slots and SIGN UP HERE. **We will be evaluating our volunteer capacity in mid-February to evaluate if we have enough volunteers to move forward. If so, we will open registration in mid-March. Of course, we will monitor the Covid situation as we get closer to the August date and make adjustments as needed.
This Sunday
Milestones continue! If you haven’t participated yet, it’s not too late! We would love to see you and your children for these special classes!
Our Winter Milestones resume during the Sunday School hour at 10am!
- Kindergarten (Beginner bible) – CORL 304 – Learning the Facts (Psalms & Proverbs)
- First Grade (Worship Education) – CORL 301 – Leaders for Worship – **Rev. Jill Duffield will visit the class!
- Second Grade (Communion Education) – CORL 300 – The Bread (Remembering Jesus Part 1)
- Third Grade (Catechism Education) – CORL 301 –Jesus as Lord & Savior
- Fourth Grade (Bible Skills) – Memorial 200 (Spencer Love Room) –Old Testament: Creation & Exodus
- Fifth Grade (Spiritual Practices) – CORL 306 –Unplugging
- Preschoolers will begin their special “Bible Heroes” series in MLC 101 by learning about David!
Join us for worship in Rejoice at 9am or Sanctuary at 11am!
**NEW PARENT CLASS: Families Growing in Faith– a *new* Sunday School class designed for parents who seek community, support, and growth in their faith. The class will focus on different topics each week, and will be collaborative in leading and planning. We will meet in the back of the Life Center at 10:15. Please email Lisa Cook at for more information. **Nursery care is available, but little ones are also welcome to come with you to the class if you are more comfortable keeping them with you!
Coming Up
Help us send well-wishes to Rev. Neil Dunnavant ahead of his retirement at the end of this month! You can share a memory and/or donate to our hunger ministries in his honor. For more details click HERE.
We are still collecting diapers! Drop off your donations in the red wagons on Sundays. The diaper bank has not been taking volunteers due to the spike in Covid cases, but we are hoping to go again on February 20. You can SIGN UP HERE if you would like to join us.
LENT!! Lent begins on March 2nd, Ash Wednesday which is, obviously, just a month away! I am planning to offer Preschool, Kindergarten-2nd grade, and 3rd-5th grade Sunday School classes for the first 5 Sundays in Lent, but will need some volunteer support to make that happen! If you would be willing to lead a lesson or assist, please SIGN UP HERE. Lessons and materials will be provided.
Speaking of Lent, make plans to join the parent Sunday School class on Feb. 20! I’ll be there sharing some of my favorite ideas from Faithful Families for Lent by Traci Smith. I am also hoping to have some discounted copies of the book available that day! I can only order a max of 10 at the discounted price, so if you would like one, please let me know – first come, first served!
Other Notes and Info
Join our First Pres Parents Facebook Group!! I know your inbox is bombarded these days – mine is, too! So, I try to share in the Facebook group as well. If you are already part of the group, consider inviting some other FPC members to join us!
Please be in touch if you have any questions or concerns!
Lisa Witherspoon
Director of Children’s Ministry
First Presbyterian Church, Greensboro, NC
(336) 478-4726