Advent is upon us and, while it is definitely an exciting time of year, it is also a busy one. In the hustle and bustle, it can be difficult to keep our focus – and our children’s focus – on the true meaning of the season. Here are some resources and fun ideas that might help you and your family incorporate Christ into some traditional or new activities this season.
- Most households decorate a Christmas tree! Try using this Blessing of the Christmas Tree when you decorate yours or do this now if you have already decorated your tree.
- Are you a holiday baker? Although I haven’t used this book myself, I love the idea of Baking Through the Bible At Christmas and most kids would jump at the idea of making some cookies!
- Do you have an advent wreath in your home? (If not, bring your children to church school on December 8 to make one with the Agape class!) Here are some prayers to use with your Advent Wreath At Home.
- There are some traditional Advent calendars and devotionals for children and adults available around the church, but I also love the idea of a Reverse Advent Calendar. It is simple to do and puts our focus on giving instead of receiving.
- Every year people ask me to suggest kid-friendly, unique, and multicultural nativity sets. I think this Olive Wood set from Ten Thousand Villages is just beautiful and it helps artisans in developing countries. That’s a win-win!!
- I recently purchased a children’s book, Silent Night by Lara Hawthorne, that I adore. It is the words of the traditional Christmas hymn, but the multicultural illustrations are absolutely beautiful and it would make a fantastic bedtime story!
Be sure to check your weekly emails and this website for more Advent events for children and families! If you have any resources you would like to share, send us an email!