Dear Families,
Happy Spring & Easter! It finally feels like spring outside and the world is blooming just in time for Easter. I hope you are all experiencing joy in this season!
*I’ll be out of the office next week, so there will be no e-news.
This Sunday
It’s Easter Sunday! There will be two identical blended worship services in the sanctuary at 9am and 11am.
Join us on the Elm Street Prayground for bells, bubbles, music, and fellowship at 10am!
Coming Up
- Next Sunday, April 24 – No Sunday School for children & youth
- May 1 – 5th grade Celebration Breakfast – 10am
- Mark your calendars for Neil’s Meals on Saturday, May 14 from 9:30-11:30 in the Life Center! We’ll package thousands of meals and gather with Neil Dunnavant for a final celebration of his ministry. Sign up HERE.
- May 15 – Children’s musical and preschool bibles in worship! (If you have a “rising” three year old, you will be receiving an email from me about the bible presentation.)
Sunday school in May will be simple family fellowship on the playground! On May 1, 15, & 22 parents of preschoolers and elementary children are invited to come together with the children on the Elm. Street Prayground for some casual conversation, food, and fun.
5th graders – Register now for Great Wolf Lodge on August 8-9!! This is a special overnight trip that is only for rising 6th graders as they make the transition to FPC youth! You can sign up HERE. (Donna Chase will be chaperoning the trip. Chaperones may also include a youth intern and/or me, depending on numbers & needs)
Registration continues for VBS and Summer KDC!! Registration is now open to the community, so invite your friends!!
- VBS registration (for ages 3-rising second grade)
- KDC registration (for rising 3rd-5th graders)
Other Notes and Info
This week is Holy Week. You are invited to join us for services on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. All services begin at 7:30pm. These services will all be livestreamed as well. If you are unable to attend, but would like to observe these special days at home, below are links to some handouts for each day. The handouts are from, from the Virginia Theological Seminary.
HERE is a link to an Easter Sunrise service at home that you can use as well!
Finally, if you missed our resurrection egg hunt last Sunday, you can make your own set to have at home and use during this Holy Week. CLICK HERE for instructions!
Please be in touch if you have any questions or concerns!
Lisa Witherspoon
Director of Children’s Ministry
First Presbyterian Church, Greensboro, NC
(336) 478-4726