Dear Families,
I hope everyone is having a happy fall so far!! Here’s what’s happening this week and coming up!
This Sunday
This will be our next to last session of our current milestones!
- Preschool & Kindergarten: MLC 102 (Preschool nursery classroom) for a Fruit of the Spirit Lesson series.
- First Grade: CORL 304 – Getting to Know My Bible
- Second Grade: Worship Education – **Meet in the SANCTUARY for a tour of the worship space! Parents are encouraged to attend!
- Third Grade: CORL 300 – Communion Education – **Parents are asked to attend with their children this Sunday.
- Fourth Grade: CORL 303 – Catechism Education
- Fifth Grade: CORL 306 – Bible Skills
**IMPORTANT NURSERY INFORMATION: If you have a child who visits our nursery classrooms on Sunday morning, please read the attached letter. Beginning this Sunday, our Infant/Toddler classroom will shift locations slightly. Next Sunday, October 31, our preschool class will shift.
Coming Up
Church and treating on October 31st! Children are invited to wear their costumes to church! Meet in the back of the Life Center at 10am and we will make our way around the church to collect lots of treats from pastors, music staff, and more!! Then we will head outside to the playground for some doughnuts! (*Children should be accompanied by an adult during this event!)
PARENTS OF 3RD, 4TH, & 5TH GRADERS: We are excited to, once again, be exploring the possibility of taking a group of FPC kids to Passport Kids Camp in Summer of 2022! If you have any interest, please fill our this three question Google Form to indicate your preference of date/location and/or mark your calendars for a Passport Kids Information Meeting via Zoom on November, 4 at 8pm. I will send the Zoom link to 3rd-5th grade families prior to the meeting.
Looking ahead:
- November 7 – Final Milestones session for fall
- November 14 – Movie Day! – **ONE SERVICE at 11am in the sanctuary for Confirmation Sunday
- November 21 – Service Day – elementary & youth will join together to pack winter care bags for Hot Dish & Hope Guests
- November 28 – NO CHURCH SCHOOL
We are working on Advent plans for December 5, 12, & 19. We will be bringing back some of our favorite traditions (with modifications) as well as introducing some fun new things! Details coming next week! 🎄⭐
Other Notes and Info
We had a small group of elementary students and parents that went to the Diaper Bank on Sunday afternoon. We had fun counting and wrapping diapers for distribution, but were also saddened to hear the dire statistics Diaper Bank staff shared with us. The need for diaper assistance has increased 400% during the pandemic and 1 in 3 families with “diaper age” children in the triad are not able to afford the diapers they need. At the same time, the pandemic has led to a sharp DECREASE in donations and volunteers. In short, they are in desperate need of help! So, the Children’s Formation Committee has decided to continue partnering with the Diaper Bank for this entire year. That means we will be continuing to collect diaper donations and we are planning to go to the diaper bank once a month to assist with preparing diapers for delivery. We hope our families, and our whole congregation, will support this outreach effort! As soon as I can confirm some dates with Diaper Bank Staff, I will be sending out a sign up genius for volunteers. (Children as young as 5 can go!). In the meantime, if you see some diapers on sale, please consider grabbing them up and bringing them to church!
Please be in touch if you have any questions or concerns!
Lisa Witherspoon
Director of Children’s Ministry
First Presbyterian Church, Greensboro, NC
(336) 478-4726