Dear Families,

Happy September! As we get close to Kickoff, there is LOTS of information to share, so please read and let me know if you have questions!


This Sunday

This will be our last Sunday on the summer schedule with one worship service in the sanctuary at 11am. Rachel Fitch, our new pastoral resident, will preach and nursery will be open!


Coming Up

Kickoff Sunday is September 12!

  • NEW SCHEDULE: 9am Rejoice; 10am Sunday School; 11am sanctuary (nursery provided during BOTH services and Sunday school hour)
  • Sunday School: Children in K-5th grades are invited to come to the GARDEN ROOM (near the Welcome Center) where we will have some fun and dancing. Then, we will head out to the Elm Street Playground for a scavenger hunt and doughnuts! **If any parents are able to help supervise, please let me know!


You should have received a grade specific, milestone information email yesterday (8/31/21) for each child you have in first-fifth grades. If you did not receive the email, please check your junk folder and let me know if you still don’t have it! (Over the summer we “migrated” children in our database from one grade to the next. That is a big task and it is possible some didn’t transfer properly.) 

**NEW: KIDS CLUBS: Kids Clubs are a new venture I have been wanting to try for a couple years and I’m excited to get them off the ground this fall! Each club is interest based and will include mixed ages, kindergarten-5th grades. Clubs will meet on the first Sunday of the month from 4:30-5:30pm. We will also offer a preschool club for ages 3-4 and some parent connection time. Please CLICK HERE to read more details and sign your child(ren) up for a club! (Choose one club per child for the whole year.) Spaces are limited in order to encourage connections and in light of health and safety concerns. We are still looking for a couple club leaders as well (particularly for the Lego and preschool clubs), so please reach out if you are interested.

OCTOBER DIAPER DRIVE & OUTREACH: In case you want to plan ahead, we will be holding a diaper drive October 3-17 that will benefit the Greater Triad Branch of the NC Diaper Bank. Then, on October 17 from 2-4 pm, we will travel to the branch location in Winston Salem to learn more about the program and help to sort & count diapers. Children ages 5 & up are invited to attend. We will also need some adult chaperones. **Currently, the branch is limiting volunteer groups to no more than 20 people, so advanced sign up is required! You can SIGN UP HERE.


Other Notes and Info

*Attached to this email is a printable PDF of TENTATIVE dates & events for the 2021-22 church school year. Of course, these are subject to change as the health situation demands, but these are what we are hoping for!

*As a reminder heading back into fall activities, our session has approved the following health and safety guidelines:

  • Masks are REQUIRED for everyone age 5 and up inside the building at all times. Preschoolers are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to wear face coverings as well.
  • No food or beverages may be consumed indoors (because this would require removing your mask).
  • We will continue to observe distancing as much as possible.

Of course, we ask that you do not come to the church if you or anyone in your household has any symptoms potentially related to COVID 19 (including fever, nasal congestion, cough, vomiting, diarrhea) OR if you or someone in your household has potentially been exposed to COVID 19 and/or is awaiting COVID test results.

All that being said, we realize that there are many mixed emotions about returning to church (and other) activities. Be assured that we are doing everything we can to keep everyone as safe as possible AND that we honor whatever YOU might be feeling. If you have concerns, please feel free to reach out. I am happy to talk it through!


Please be in touch if you have any questions or concerns!

Lisa Witherspoon
Director of Children’s Ministry
First Presbyterian Church, Greensboro, NC
(336) 478-4726