Visioning Group

Confirmation #: 11308825 Contact Name: Debby Foster Contact Number: 336-478-4702 Contact Email: Resources: Memorial Bldg., Rm. 200, Spencer Love Room Event Details:...

Companions in Christ

Confirmation #: 11308606 Description: Companions in Christ small group will be led by Gay White. This group will meet on Wednesdays at 4:00pm at Gay’s home. They will be studying Adam Hamilton’s book “The Call” based on Paul’s teachings. Contact Gay for...

Men’s Lectionary Bible Study

Confirmation #: 10619360 Description: Men’s Lectionary Bible Study, Zoom. Bible study at 7:30 am Wednesday’s with space available for newcomers. Email Jack Harrington for more info: Contact Name: Yolanda Baxter Contact Number:...

Peacehaven Small Group

Confirmation #: 11296672 Description: We’re a small group of young adults of all abilities who meet on Tuesday nights from 6:30-7:30pm for a time of scripture reading, discussion, song, laughter, and prayer together. We are currently being led each week by a different...

Men’s Lectionary Bible Study

Confirmation #: 10619360 Description: Men’s Lectionary Bible Study, Zoom. Bible study at 7:30 am Wednesday’s with space available for newcomers. Email Jack Harrington for more info: Contact Name: Yolanda Baxter Contact Number:...

Wednesday Companions

Confirmation #: 11307379 Description: The Wednesday Companions will meet beginning Sept. 28 and we will conclude for the year in May, 2023. We will be finishing up discussion of Barbara Brown Taylor’s book Holy Envy. We meet the second and fourth Wednesdays from...

Follow Me, Practice Joy: Adult Class

Confirmation #: 11309211 Description: Church School Class for Adults. This class will be using the new PCUSA curriculum. They will meet in the back of the Life Center. Contact Lisa for more info – Contact Name: Yolanda Baxter...

Brown Family Visitation and Greeting

Confirmation #: 11309477 Contact Name: Debby Foster Contact Number: 336-478-4702 Contact Email: Resources: Mullin Life Center – Back, Mullin Life Center, Circulation Gallery Event Details:...

Men’s Lectionary Bible Study

Confirmation #: 10619360 Description: Men’s Lectionary Bible Study, Zoom. Bible study at 7:30 am Wednesday’s with space available for newcomers. Email Jack Harrington for more info: Contact Name: Yolanda Baxter Contact Number:...