Men’s Lectionary Bible Study

Confirmation #: 10619360 Description: Men’s Lectionary Bible Study, Zoom. Bible study at 7:30 am Wednesday’s with space available for newcomers. Email Jack Harrington for more info: Contact Name: Yolanda Baxter Contact Number:...

Men’s Lectionary Bible Study

Confirmation #: 10619360 Description: Men’s Lectionary Bible Study, Zoom. Bible study at 7:30 am Wednesday’s with space available for newcomers. Email Jack Harrington for more info: Contact Name: Yolanda Baxter Contact Number:...

Peacehaven Small Group

Confirmation #: 11296672 Description: We’re a small group of young adults of all abilities who meet on Tuesday nights from 6:30-7:30pm for a time of scripture reading, discussion, song, laughter, and prayer together. We are currently being led each week by a different...

Adult Church School Class: Faith Builders

Confirmation #: 11067554 Description: Neil Dunnavant will lead a discussion in Myers Loyalty at 10am. Contact Name: Yolanda Baxter Contact Number: 336-478-4722 Contact Email: Resources: Smith Bldg., Rm. 242, Myers Loyalty Room Event Details:...

Men’s Lectionary Bible Study

Confirmation #: 10619360 Description: Men’s Lectionary Bible Study, Zoom. Bible study at 7:30 am Wednesday’s with space available for newcomers. Email Jack Harrington for more info: Contact Name: Yolanda Baxter Contact Number:...

Companions in Christ

Confirmation #: 11308606 Description: Companions in Christ small group will be led by Gay White. This group will meet on Wednesdays at 4:00pm at Gay’s home. They will be studying Adam Hamilton’s book “The Call” based on Paul’s teachings. Contact Gay for...

Men’s Lectionary Bible Study

Confirmation #: 10619360 Description: Men’s Lectionary Bible Study, Zoom. Bible study at 7:30 am Wednesday’s with space available for newcomers. Email Jack Harrington for more info: Contact Name: Yolanda Baxter Contact Number:...

Men’s Lectionary Bible Study

Confirmation #: 10619360 Description: Men’s Lectionary Bible Study, Zoom. Bible study at 7:30 am Wednesday’s with space available for newcomers. Email Jack Harrington for more info: Contact Name: Yolanda Baxter Contact Number:...

Adult Church School: YMBC

Confirmation #: 11308148 Description: Join YMBC in Redhead Hall at 10am as Newton Cowan leads a discussion from Hebrews 11. Contact Name: Yolanda Baxter Contact Number: 336-478-4722 Contact Email: Resources: Memorial Bldg., Rm. 101 Redhead...

Vision Focus Group

Confirmation #: 11308825 Contact Name: Debby Foster Contact Number: 336-478-4702 Contact Email: Resources: Memorial Bldg., Rm. 200, Spencer Love Room Event Details:...