Coming Back Stronger

Just a few days ago, I heard on the news a report about successful Black women entrepreneurs in Detroit. The woman being interviewed said that an entrepreneur is someone who can endure risk and bounce back from hardship. That strikes me as an excellent description of...

Reverence outside the sanctuary walls

This past week, I helped to facilitate the September meeting of the Monday Book Club, and we discussed Barbara Brown Taylor’s 2009 book, An Altar in the World. When I think about the books that formed my faith in my teenage years, this book tops the list. Taylor’s...

Grace in the in-between

Remember back in March when this whole pandemic thing started? Seems like ages ago, right? If you were like me, you were thinking that we would enjoy a nice little relaxing staycation for a couple weeks and then get back to life as normal. This tiny little thing would...

Helping others in quiet ways

Almost 30 years ago our church began a relationship with a Presbyterian congregation on the Navajo Reservation in Chinle, Arizona, on the rim of the Canyon de Chelly National Monument. For several summers many of you drove or flew out there to help in many ways and...

Death, love, and God with us

What an incredible honor to officiate the funeral for Betsy Simpson earlier this month. It was the week before her 94th birthday. Her husband of 71 years has lovingly and sacrificially cared for Betsy for the past 10 years as she struggled with Alzheimer’s. Betsy was...

Reboot like Jesus

Two weeks ago I was working on my laptop at home trying to prepare an article for one of our many publications and promotions. However, my laptop was not cooperating and unfortunately, like so many other people, I have become almost completely dependent on it. Maybe...

Focusing on the rules for life

I have been thinking about minimal standards recently. For example Monday night in our Session meeting on Zoom we were reminded that an active member of the Presbyterian Church is anyone who has given some financial gift of any amount and attended worship at least...

A love letter to teachers

I am always struck when I read a warning in the Christian Scriptures. It provides a moment of clarity. It seems to me, to cut straight to the point. I get a sense for what the authors intentions are. It makes me sit up straight and pay attention. One of the few times...

New and scary school days

As a former teacher, I have always enjoyed the excitement of a new school year. I think this may be the first time in all my life that I am NOT excited. My oldest has gone off to college, my middle will be learning online until at least October, my youngest is going...

Back-to-school tests

“And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.” – 1 Corinthians 13:3 Are you ready to go back to school?  It happens whether we are ready or not – so let us pull a Bible verse and test ourselves to see how geared up we are to...