Bidding Farewell 

There are a lot of ways to say goodbye, to bid farewell to family, friends and even mere acquaintances. Every language has at least one and many have multiple ways to express this sentiment given the situation and circumstances.  Adios, adieu, ciao, au revoir,...

‘This Got You’

This summer, every Monday morning, I woke up early to complete my weekly long run. Physiologists and running coaches have long touted the value of a weekly long run for every serious training program. For reasons, I don’t understand, the magic number is 70 minutes....

Gratitude and anticipation

Friends, I want to begin with gratitude to the PNC for their incredible work during a season that brought unique challenges. Their graciousness, humor and humility throughout all our encounters truly inspired and encouraged me these past months. I also want to thank...

The Holy Spirit always shows up

I am tired of Zoom. And I am tired of Livestream. And I am tired of working from my couch. And I am tired of getting notifications from my calendar that remind me of important events that have now been canceled. I know that I am not alone in these sentiments. But in...

Lady the Stray Dog

About a month ago a dog showed up at our farm in Patrick County, Va. She stayed under a tractor left out in a pasture. We started feeding her and eventually she moved her home to a hay shed. She never growls and always wags her tail, but she is very afraid. Skittish...

Returning to normal: a work in progress

This passage from Romans 5:1-5 has been a part of my daily prayers these past 6 months: Therefore, since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have obtained access to this grace in which we stand; and we boast...

Images of God, everyone, everywhere

Genesis 1:27 27: So God created humankind in God’s own image. Imago Dei. We are all created in the image of God. That is such a beautiful idea. Do you believe it? Do you believe you are created in the image of God? With all of your (my) imperfections, flaws and...

Coming Back Stronger

Just a few days ago, I heard on the news a report about successful Black women entrepreneurs in Detroit. The woman being interviewed said that an entrepreneur is someone who can endure risk and bounce back from hardship. That strikes me as an excellent description of...

Reverence outside the sanctuary walls

This past week, I helped to facilitate the September meeting of the Monday Book Club, and we discussed Barbara Brown Taylor’s 2009 book, An Altar in the World. When I think about the books that formed my faith in my teenage years, this book tops the list. Taylor’s...

Grace in the in-between

Remember back in March when this whole pandemic thing started? Seems like ages ago, right? If you were like me, you were thinking that we would enjoy a nice little relaxing staycation for a couple weeks and then get back to life as normal. This tiny little thing would...