And it was Good!

“God saw it all and declared it good!” Today as you see the world you inhabit, make a point to notice its goodness and name it so. These are words from scripture as well as from one of the messages in the Advent devotional written by our new pastor, Jill Duffield.  We...

December 21: The Longest Night

The pastors invite you to join us for a special service, The Longest Night, on our Advent and FPC Worship Services playlists, beginning today at 10 am. Today, December 21, marks the longest night of the year. After this past year, that longest night may bring up...

Inspiring Generosity, and a Farm Dogs Update

Thanks to Elder Michael Hunt, Hoke Huss, and all of our outreach volunteers, the Wednesday Drive-By collection ministry continues to be a huge success. At the Peppermint Parade, we collected 1,156 pounds of food for Greensboro Urban Ministry. We have collected 21...

Advent reality, as it is in heaven

Suppose a soldier standing watch is being quizzed by their commander. He asks “What if, while you’re on duty in the middle of the desert, you see a battleship approaching your post. What would you do?” The soldier replies quickly, “I’d take my torpedo and sink it.”...

Taking the short and the long view

Friends, Thank you! Thank you for the warm and enthusiastic welcome. We are so excited to be here and look forward to getting to know you in the months and years ahead. It is, of course, more challenging to see one another given our current pandemic restrictions....

Be the light you wish to see

In a year that has felt like a perpetual Lenten season, filled with uncertainty, loneliness, grief, weariness, and darkness, Advent finds our hearts yearning for the Christ child and the hope he brings. FPC’s Advent theme, “From Darkness to Light,” recognizes...

Baptism is still a wonderful, holy mess

Of all the privileges that come with being a minister, I think that my favorite is presiding over baptisms. Among the many things that we have missed over the past several months, I have probably missed baptisms the most. It is a beautiful and wonderful gift to get to...

Last thoughts from Alexandra Mauney

Dear FPC friends, As I transition to a new season of life and ministry this week, I give thanks for the time I have spent as part of your community as a Sid and Cathy Batts Pastoral Resident for the past 15 months! It has been a strange time to enter ordained...

Evil and transformation on film

This past Monday we recognized the anniversary of Kristallnacht, The Night of Broken Glass. On November 9, 1938, the destruction of more than 1,400 synagogues began in Nazi Germany. Over the years Kate and I have watched so many films about Nazi Germany and all the...

“Well, here you grow again!”

My grandmother Judy had a saying, “Well, here you grow again!” This was typically announced at the conclusion of some hour-plus conversation about how someone in our family (you can guess who) was experiencing a profound change in his/her life that was complex and...