Maya Angelou once wrote, “The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.” For most of us, home indeed is the safe place we turn to in different stages of our life as a shelter from life’s storms. 2020 and...
“At least once, stop and sit and let nature find you.” This was the admonition Grant and I received from the volunteer who welcomed us to the Miami Beach Botanical Garden. The garden is a small enclave of green and quiet in the middle of fast, expensive cars, beach...
Our member Victoria Alexander says, “Getting to meet all of these incredible women makes me completely resolved to work just as hard as they do to make my voice heard, to take action to make this world better for the girls and young women who will come after me.” See...
In scripture, the first call of humanity is to be stewards of God’s creation. Even today, the call to care for the earth and all that lives on it is an important part of our Christian witness. Over the past year, we have ramped up and recommitted ourselves to...
I have a lifelong friend I admire greatly. She is a few years older than me, and I always look to her as a role model, a confidant, and a friend. She is a very accomplished woman. She has a PhD in her field and works in a senior-level position in her job. She is an...
Already the Spring ephemerals are showing. These are the wildflowers that pop up in their glory but only stay in bloom a few days. Ephemeral comes from the Greek word ephemeros which means living only a day. They are, for example, trout lilies, bloodroot, Virginia...
“Walk at your own risk.” Signs emblazoned with these words dot a trail around a nearby office park. On recent sunny days, I’ve put on my headphones, listened to a podcast or guided meditation, and trekked through the woods that contain these warnings. “Walk at your...
“There’s something happening here,” FPC member said to me, placing her canned goods for Urban Ministry in the FPC van. She waved her hand up in the air, gesturing towards our campus. “I can feel it; it is amazing.” She smiled, hopped in her car, and drove away. I took...
Over the course of the pandemic, we have all discovered personal limits that we may not have known about before. For example: As a person who lives alone but loves comfort food meals that do not reduce to one serving size very easily, I have learned that I can eat...
Some of our young families delivered Valentine’s kits to 70 of our members who continue to experience isolation during the pandemic. “I was treated yesterday morning with a sweet visit from the King children – delivering a lovely Valentine gift bag...