Talk with the authors

How often have you read a book and longed to meet the author so you could ask questions that you pondered or hear them speak to how the book came to be? I enjoy reading all kinds of books and sometimes participating in and leading the FPC Currie Library Book Club...

God is so good

Growing up singing songs of the faith in Sunday School and VBS, a favorite of mine was God is So Good. The simple lyrics reiterate important theological concepts that we want our children to grasp from a young age: God is so good God loves us so God hears our prayers...

Officially our 12th Senior Pastor!

I find myself re-living the afternoon of October 17 over and over again, each time finding more reasons to give thanks to God. The members of the commission, the music, the choir, the weather, the lemonade on the lawn, the sermon, the PNC seated together, members of...

Giving folds us into community

The street evangelist cries out, “Get right with God.” Our giving to FPC is part of our spiritual quest to get right with God. We believe that the ways we use our financial resources are, in large measure, moral choices. In his book Mere Christianity...

Keep bringing diapers!

By Lisa Witherspoon, Director of Children’s Formation Did you know that an infant goes through about 700 diapers in the first three months of life? Did you also know that a box about 100 diapers can cost as much as $25? For families living on a limited income,...

A small group of leaders

There is a little secret among Biblical scholars, church clergy, and Christian educators – the secret is the answer to the question: “Why do you do the things you do?”  Sing in your head that familiar song …. ‘”the Bible tells me so.” I will never forget...

The Spirit in the Psalms

Reading Neil’s reflections on prayer the other week, he offers beautiful imagery of the connective and healing power of prayer. He writes of his envisioning Jesus coming and kneeling before the person, laying his hands on their head. As he writes, we don’t really know...

Three ways to use our money

I must have been about 13 years old when I saw the 10-speed Schwinn bicycle in the store.  I knew immediately that I would do almost anything to have that bicycle.  After discussing it with my parents, I decided to pursue a newspaper route to earn the money for the...

Doing nothing & seeing what God will do

Many times in my life I have found that doing nothing (a form of patience) is exactly the right thing to do. Here is one example. Before we moved to Greensboro in 2003, we lived in the small village of Fincastle, Va., for 11 years. During that time, we built a house...

Ashes, burial, and memories

Through my travels and readings I have learned about so many ways people bury and honor their dead. In Guatemala City there is a huge creepy prestigious sprawling cemetery where only the wealthy are allowed to stay indefinitely.  Most people can only afford to have...