In pain we turn to the Psalms

How long, O Lord?  How long?  As we gather to pray with the preschool teachers each Wednesday morning, these words of Psalm 13 are what came to us this past week.  These words may have also come to you as you heard the news of the tragedy at Robb Elementary in Texas. ...

‘Let me know if you need anything’

Let me know if you need anything. Ever spoken these words to an individual or a family at a time of loss or illness? I know I have. And while I genuinely mean it, let me offer an alternative perspective. When we, and I do mean we (not like when I was younger and my...

Children & Family E-News: May 18, 2022

Dear Families, Hope everyone is doing well today! Things are winding down as we head into summer! **Big thanks to our children’s choirs for serving as worship leaders through the musical, “The Three Trees,” last Sunday! They did a fantastic job! If...

Prayer for adulting

Do you pray? When I was a kid, there were members of my family who prayed for everything from finding a lost bracelet to finding a parking space downtown. We prayed at meals, bedtime and when we needed something from God. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I...

Trembling together

“Find those who tell you, Do not be afraid, yet stay close enough to tremble with you. This is love.” This poetic and profound truth is written by Cole Arthur Riley in her book, This Here Flesh. I read her book on the airplane as Grant and I flew to Nova Scotia to see...

Turning the soil, in trust

The azaleas are in bright bloom, trees have gone from bare limbs a few weeks ago to having beautiful flowers and now full leaves, and, as our neighbor keeps us informed, the Purple Martin count is rising – now with ten in their bird houses. And, the summer garden prep...

Ministry work never ‘ends’

Kevin concluded his ministry with us in April to concentrate on his MBA studies at Wake Forest.    My first church ministry boss, Adam, former Youth Director at Knollwood Baptist Church in Winston Salem, told me that in church ministry you need to know two...

More than just words in the hymnal

Over the last few months, I have been aware, dare I say hyper-aware, of the words to the hymns that we have been singing. The lyrics have been speaking in new ways to my spirit and soul. When this occurs, I try to do some research to find out what is behind these...

Look at My Hands and Feet: Seeing Jesus at Rex Hospital

While they were saying these things, Jesus himself stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” They were terrified and afraid. They thought they were seeing a ghost. He said to them, “Why are you startled? Why are doubts arising in your hearts? Look at my hands...

What happens after Easter? 

Today is Easter Monday.  Traditionally a day of celebration (and rest for pastors and church staff everywhere) that began in the 15th Century. Different Christian religious traditions celebrate this day in a variety of ways. In the 19th Century the Easter Parade...