Human nature and human family

It is inevitable that one pays closer attention to things that have a closer impact on us. I confess, hurricane Fiona didn’t garner my scrutiny until it was evident that Fiona was going to barrel into the place where my daughter is currently living. I now lean in to...

Wondering with our children

As children gathered last Thursday morning for a Noah’s Ark Godly Play story, as the preschool children gather for Godly Play at their weekly chapel time, and as we all are welcomed to join the Godly Play moment during Sunday’s worship, we are reminded of the gift of...

It’s been awhile — say hello!

This past week in the Discipleship Committee meeting, there was an incredible amount of energy about this new church year especially around being more warm and welcoming to everyone. More, you might say? Prior to COVID you all were very welcoming and engaged members...

The forgiveness we give

What does it mean to forgive someone? Sometimes on the evening news we will hear about an incredible story of forgiveness, something that sounds impossible.  A father will forgive his daughter’s murderer; a woman will forgive the stranger who held her up at gunpoint...

All the new things

Last weekend I walked into a building and felt transported back to fourth grade. The halls had the same smell, the floor the same linoleum, the doors the same wooden trim, as the school I started after moving to North Carolina. In response, I felt both energized and...

Growth, hope, and new life

Growth. It can be an exciting word – one we may think of with summertime, fruits and vegetables and flowers growing all around.  Perhaps a seemingly unending thing – within those gardens weeds continue to spring forth, sometimes seemingly faster than the plants you...

The Future of the Church

  A dance company. A community theatre. A Boys and Girls Club. Apartments. Condos. A day center for those without homes. These are just some of the uses of neighborhood churches I saw sprinkled throughout Toronto on a recent vacation. Always on the lookout for...

God is at work in the lives of our youth and our youth ministry

One by one we filed out of Anderson Auditorium and made our way around Lake Susan. With only the streetlights and a few flashlights we stood side by side holding out our candles. Slowly from different spots the light began to be shared and one by one each candle...

We have been charged to take care of God’s creation

I’ve been reading about the heat waves that are happening all over the world. 114 degrees in London! 121 in Delhi, India. Heat-generated fires in Spain. Most of these cities’ residents have little or no air conditioning. People are dying. Many of these deaths affect...

Words and context matter

Friends, As you may be aware, the 225th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) met earlier this month. One of the actions they took was to approve an overture declaring Israel an apartheid state. This action, unsurprisingly, has garnered much attention...