It is the Monday before the Tuesday of midterm elections. I suspect you already knew this given all the ads, news stories, hand-wringing and anxiety in the air. Elections are important, voting is important. As a naturalized United States citizen I get giddy when I go...
Happy All Hallows Eve! As costumes were donned yesterday for a Sunday School hour trick or treating and as they are donned again tonight for neighborhood walks, we are reminded of our childhoods and the fun and joy of the festivities. And, as November 1 is tomorrow...
It is the most wonderful time of the church year: Stewardship season! The truth is there is no such thing as stewardship season, not really, because the entirety of life is stewardship season. Everything we have comes from God, every breath, every moment, every...
Part of my role is to be staff support for the Discipleship Committee. I will say this committee is on fire with the Holy Spirit to welcome visitors and guest as well as facilitate ways to engage everyone. In our meeting last week, Matt Logan, who is still working...
Two weeks ago I attended the White House Conference on Hunger and Nutrition via livestream. This was the first conference held since the Nixon Administration to address issues of hunger in our country. The information I heard may be helpful to us as we continue to...
It is inevitable that one pays closer attention to things that have a closer impact on us. I confess, hurricane Fiona didn’t garner my scrutiny until it was evident that Fiona was going to barrel into the place where my daughter is currently living. I now lean in to...
As children gathered last Thursday morning for a Noah’s Ark Godly Play story, as the preschool children gather for Godly Play at their weekly chapel time, and as we all are welcomed to join the Godly Play moment during Sunday’s worship, we are reminded of the gift of...
This past week in the Discipleship Committee meeting, there was an incredible amount of energy about this new church year especially around being more warm and welcoming to everyone. More, you might say? Prior to COVID you all were very welcoming and engaged members...
What does it mean to forgive someone? Sometimes on the evening news we will hear about an incredible story of forgiveness, something that sounds impossible. A father will forgive his daughter’s murderer; a woman will forgive the stranger who held her up at gunpoint...
Last weekend I walked into a building and felt transported back to fourth grade. The halls had the same smell, the floor the same linoleum, the doors the same wooden trim, as the school I started after moving to North Carolina. In response, I felt both energized and...