Children & Family E-News: April 26, 2023

Dear Families, This is the last e-news of the church school year!! It has been a great year as we resumed and re-engaged in so many things!! I am grateful for all of your enthusiasm and support. I may send periodic emails as needed over the summer, but the regular...

Children & Family E-News: April 5, 2023

Dear Families, It’s almost Easter!!  Thursday, April 6 – Maundy Thursday – 6pm Communion in the Life Center (This will be an interactive service and children are welcome to participate.) Friday, April 7 – Tenebrae/Good Friday – 7:30pm,...

Children & Family E-News: March 29, 2023

Dear Families, It’s almost Holy Week! We hope you will join us for some of our Holy Week services, starting this Sunday, Palm Sunday!  Thursday, April 6 – Maundy Thursday – 6pm Communion in the Life Center (This will be an interactive service and...

Children & Family E-News: March 22, 2023

Dear Families, How are we almost at the end of March already?? It feels like we are moving at hyper speed toward the summer!  Let’s help our Afghan refugee friends as they prepare for their new baby!  Mohammad and Wahzma will welcome their third son toward the end of...

Children & Family E-News: March 15, 2023

Dear Families, I hope everyone is having a great week!  5th grade families, mark your calendars! 5th grade recognition Sunday – April 30 at 10am in CORL 306! – We will share breakfast, provide our 5th graders with a gift & blessing, and discuss what to...

Children & Family E-News: March 8, 2023

Dear Families, Hi everyone! I hope you were able to enjoy the sunshine the past couple of days! Don’t forget to “spring” your clocks forward Saturday night as Daylight Savings Time begins! ⏰ As a reminder, VBS/Summer KDC registration is OPEN! We are...

Children & Family E-News: March 1, 2023

Dear Families, It’s March! January & February felt equally slow & fast! 🤪With the arrival of March, we will be putting summer planning into high gear! That means, registration for SPLASH! Vacation Bible School and Summer Kids Disciple Club opens NOW! We...

Children & Family E-News: February 22, 2023

Dear Families, Lent has arrived! In this season, as we journey to the cross and prepare for the mystery of Easter, I hope you and your families will consider how you might draw closer to God in this season. Perhaps, it is by being intentional about getting outside,...

Children & Family E-News: February 15, 2023

Dear Families, I hope everyone had a great Valentine’s Day filled with love (and chocolate!). As an extension of my love for you, here is the link to register for Parent’s Night Out! 😍 PNO will be on Saturday, March 4 from 5-8 pm and is open to FPC...

Children & Family E-News: February 8, 2023

Dear Families, There was lots of love in the air on Sunday! Youth Sunday School visited out preschool class with Valentines & doughnuts! In the afternoon, Kids Disciple Club made snack mix and Valentines for our Hot Dish & Hope guests!...