Children & Family E-News: October 11, 2023

Dear Families, It finally feels like fall outside!! Yay!!! LAST CALL to Sign up for Camp Weaver!!  We have to give Camp Weaver an advance headcount for lunch, so if you plan to eat with us on October 29, please sign up HERE by tomorrow, October 12! On October 29, our...

Children & Family E-News: October 4, 2023

  Dear Families, I’m not sure where September went, but October is here and the is A LOT going on!!  **Need a baby-sitter?? Back by popular demand, I have an updated list of FPC youth who baby-sit!! Email Lisa Witherspoon at

  Dear Families, I hope everyone is having a great week! Here’s what’s happening!  ____________________________________________________________________________________ This Sunday Sunday school at 10am Preschoolers (ages 3 & 4) – CORL 304...

Children & Family E-News: September 13, 2023

  Dear Families, We had a great return to Sunday school last weekend!! It was wonderful to see everyone and have the CORL building buzzing again! The calendar is already packed with lots of great things coming up! ...

Children & Family E-News: September 6, 2023

Dear Families, It’s almost here!! This Sunday, we are back to regular Sunday School and we have a fall FULL of activities!!  ____________________________________________________________________________________ This Sunday Sunday School for all!  Preschoolers...

Dear Families, I hope the new school year has gotten off to a great start for everyone! We are excited about all that is coming up for fall in children’s ministry! Please see the attached calendar and make note of the dates that apply to you....

Children & Family E-News: August 9, 2023

Dear Families, I hope you have all had a fabulous summer!! Now that August is here, I wanted to send a few reminders about some important upcoming dates. Please mark your calendars! August 27 – Join us for one worship service at 11am in the sanctuary as we offer...

Coming This Fall!

Mark your calendars for these upcoming fall activities! August 27 – One worship service at 11am, will include back to school blessing, followed by Fellowship lunch in the Life center! Fried chicken provided. Bring a side to share! September 10 – Sunday...

Children & Family E-News: April 26, 2023

Dear Families, This is the last e-news of the church school year!! It has been a great year as we resumed and re-engaged in so many things!! I am grateful for all of your enthusiasm and support. I may send periodic emails as needed over the summer, but the regular...

Children & Family E-News: April 5, 2023

Dear Families, It’s almost Easter!!  Thursday, April 6 – Maundy Thursday – 6pm Communion in the Life Center (This will be an interactive service and children are welcome to participate.) Friday, April 7 – Tenebrae/Good Friday – 7:30pm,...