Wanted: Youth Director

Lisa, Donna, and I met this week and began our conversation with the fact that it felt like Groundhog Day, as in that movie where the guy keeps reliving the same day over and over and over again. We were yet again discussing the search for a youth director after, yet...

Kids Disciple Club

Two weeks ago, Redhead Hall wasn’t only the home to the Young Men’s Bible Class, but also to young messy beautiful children! Or, you might say, the Kids Disciple Club (KDC).  As the Vacation Bible School kids took over the Life Center as they were ‘diving into the...

Past, present, and future

  When families gather to say goodbye to their loved ones, we gather in the Virginia Gilmer Room prior to the service. Often I find myself in the hallway, you know the one with all the saints that have gone before, the wall of elders. Many who have never been to...

“How we can pray for you?”

Recently I was invited to lunch, set up by a layperson and some other pastors. These folks represent different traditions, but under the umbrella of Christians, trusting Christ as our Lord and Savior. We had a nice conversation, sharing about our call stories and...

Holy Week Is Coming

We are on the journey to Jerusalem, a few weeks into the forty days of Lent, but not far from the Jesus’ last supper, the cross and, yes, thankfully, the empty tomb. This year we will again mark the Triduum—Maundy Thursday through Easter—with a variety of special...

Dear Mom …

Dear Mom, Often, I walk the halls of this church and remember.  I remember.  I remember roller skating in Redhead Hall, singing (well, mouthing the words) in the children’s choir with Dr. Pethel from the side balcony.  I remember the classrooms and see the faces, on...

“Is this the time of the year that I am born again?”

In the third chapter of the Gospel of John, we read the following, Now there was a Pharisee named Nicodemus, a leader of the Jews. He came to Jesus by night and said to him, ‘Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God; for no one can do these signs...

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! The turning of the calendar is a somewhat random marking of time, but it is, nonetheless, an occasion to reflect backwards and be intentional about moving forward. I don’t really make New Year’s resolutions, but I do like to pause and think about what...

Stop and Listen

  During the season of Advent, we are offering an opportunity for evening worship on Thursday evening. We gather with our Hot Dish & Hope guests and sit at the table and share a meal, and the pastors offer a scripture reading and devotional, and we sing hymns...

We live in hope as we gather around the table

November has come and it is quickly going.  Seasons are changing, temperatures are getting cooler, and Advent has begun.  You, like me, might be wondering how we are here already – December, the wrapping up of 2022, time for Christmas music on the radio, and preparing...