As I sat at the dining room table, wondering what to write, I saw a sketch sitting there. It reminded me of a passage I read a few weeks ago that continues to come to mind, one that I continue to wonder over, particularly in this Lenten season. “The earth is the...
Last Wednesday we started the liturgical season of Lent with Ash Wednesday. The season of Lent in the church is a time when we focus on this call to return to the Lord. It is a time of prayer, fasting and self-examination in preparation for the celebration of the...
King cakes, pancakes, roses, chocolates, and ashes – it is going to be a full week! This Wednesday we begin the season of Lent, the six weeks of penitence in which we reflect on Christ’s life and Christ’s death. During this time, we prayerfully prepare for the...
Perhaps among all the news stories about all the challenging things our community, nation and world are facing, you saw the story about Elmo. Yes, Elmo, now it has been a minute or two since our daughters were watching Sesame Street, but this last week Elmo asked a...
The mountains of North Carolina are a special place, especially Montreat. It’s a thin place where it feels as if heaven and earth meet; a place to be in God’s beautiful creation, a place of memory for me and so many of you all. The first week of January was a special...
Lisa, Donna, and I met this week and began our conversation with the fact that it felt like Groundhog Day, as in that movie where the guy keeps reliving the same day over and over and over again. We were yet again discussing the search for a youth director after, yet...
Two weeks ago, Redhead Hall wasn’t only the home to the Young Men’s Bible Class, but also to young messy beautiful children! Or, you might say, the Kids Disciple Club (KDC). As the Vacation Bible School kids took over the Life Center as they were ‘diving into the...
When families gather to say goodbye to their loved ones, we gather in the Virginia Gilmer Room prior to the service. Often I find myself in the hallway, you know the one with all the saints that have gone before, the wall of elders. Many who have never been to...
Recently I was invited to lunch, set up by a layperson and some other pastors. These folks represent different traditions, but under the umbrella of Christians, trusting Christ as our Lord and Savior. We had a nice conversation, sharing about our call stories and...
We are on the journey to Jerusalem, a few weeks into the forty days of Lent, but not far from the Jesus’ last supper, the cross and, yes, thankfully, the empty tomb. This year we will again mark the Triduum—Maundy Thursday through Easter—with a variety of special...