The birth of worry

I recently went backpacking with John Alexander for a night in the Linville Gorge. It just so happened that the night we picked to sleep outside was one of the few nights that the temperature fell into the mid-teens — a frosty night, indeed! John spent the night in a...

A sabbath afternoon at the ballpark

There is one day of the year that I always look forward to more than any other: opening day of baseball season. Every year at the end of the World Series in October, I go into extreme mourning, putting on my sackcloth and covering my head in ashes. Then I wait in...

Thoughts from the bottom of the ACC season

I know many of you are in despair over the UNC Tar Heels basketball season. The emotional challenge is going from feeling like a winner to feeling like a loser. How do we deal with such feelings?  How do we regain hope? How do we obey the Bruce Springsteen command...

Making 2020 one beautiful day after another

The start of a new year is a good time to take a seat on the Neighborhood Trolley. FPC has one, currently on display in Currie Library. Joanne Rogers sent it a few years ago after we voted her late husband, Fred Rogers, winner of March Madness for Ministry. In case...

Welcome to FPC’s new home page!

This site is the result of two years of research and work by the Communications Committee, who reviewed the full network of FPC communications tools to determine the best use of each, and took a deep look at our site and those of a dozen other churches, Presbyterian...