Fearlessly apply our faith

  Do you have a vision of God’s peace? And the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in the streets. Zechariah 8:5 The nations shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nations shall not lift up sword...

Teaching anti-racism at home

Children are never too young to learn about anti-racism. They recognize differences all around them, and if you incorporate anti-racism teaching in your everyday living, they will grow up with a strong understanding of the importance to practice God’s love for all...

Building Christian bridges to the ‘other’

When I first started serving in churches while I was in college, I spent a lot of my time and energy in working with youth. I guess I must have “aged out” of that challenging and exciting work because it has been forty years since that was a primary responsibility of...

Add a new rhythm to a strange summer

Welcome to summer. It’s a strange summer, to be sure, the events of which have already caused us to examine more deeply the wounds and brokenness of our own communities and wider society. For me, this summer is a strange one because it’s the first summer since I was 5...

On pleasantness and goodness, unity and charity

I’ve been thinking a lot about Psalm 133 as my residency at First Presbyterian winds to a close. “Behold how good and pleasant it is for kindred to dwell together in unity,” the Psalm begins. Today I am thinking about the good and pleasant times that I’ve had during...

The movement of the Spirit in 2020

One of my favorite things about the Revised Common Lectionary is that every three years, the Scripture readings cycle back around again and we hear them in a totally new way. The last time I was reflecting upon the readings of Pentecost (Year A), I was in my first...

A preaching experiment this summer

This summer I will experiment for eight weeks beginning June 7 with a method or style of preaching that historically has been a venerable and even preferred way of proclaiming the word of God among Presbyterian and Reformed congregations. While some of the early...

How many times can a man turn his head?

In this season of social distancing, I decided to get healthy. There really wasn’t much else to do, if I’m being honest. I’ve eaten more vegetables in the past two months than I probably did all last year. I’ve never bought so much spinach or zucchini or asparagus....

Truth we don’t want, truth we need

Many of you know that Kate and I are taking care of a family farm in Patrick County, Va., on the NC border and close to Mt. Airy. It is where Kate’s mother Helen grew up. It is over 400 acres of cow pastures, hay fields, forests, springs, streams, and cropland....