Providing shelter for the season

In the Season of Advent, we look forward to Christmas and remember the story of Christ’s birth. We learn in the gospels about Mary and Joseph traveling to Bethlehem for the census when it was time for Jesus to be born. With no room in the inn, they were desperate for...

The Power of a Prayerful Pause

I’ve noticed as of late that folks have been a little unfiltered, quick to press the send or post button. Is this just in my world or are you experiencing this, too? Some of these messages come from regular sources, others arrive out of left field  with a subject line...

Our family’s legacy of joyful noise

Each November, the season of thanksgiving calls us to reflect upon the gifts which we have been given that in turn we may give to others. This year, we are celebrating the 200th anniversary of First Presbyterian Church, and reflecting upon the gifts this community of...

Comfort and joy?

I know, I know, it seems an odd theme for Advent. If we’d left off the question mark, all would be well. But I am not sure that kind of conclusive sentiment would have felt truthful this year. Aren’t we all a bit unmoored this year? Unsure of what might come at us...

The math for the ministry

As we prepare to make our financial commitment to the ministries of our church, I want to begin by saying thank you to the 473 individuals and families who made a pledge this year. Thanks to your generosity, with God’s help and the power of the Holy Spirit, our...

Warmth, encouragement, and joy

Our annual campaign theme is 200 Years of Blessings: Imagine What Comes Next. Sue Cole from the Stewardship Committee shares her story. In thinking about my favorite blessings from First Presbyterian Church, two very different but extremely important personal events...

Being open to God

Our annual campaign theme is 200 Years of Blessings: Imagine What Comes Next. Dan Kerns from the Stewardship Committee shares this story. 200 years is a long time.  I have only been a part of this church 36 years and as I count my blessings … there are too many to...

Tom’s blessings: Music, YAV & wedding

Our annual campaign theme is 200 Years of Blessings: Imagine What Comes Next.  Over the next few weeks, members of the Stewardship Committee will share some blessings they have experienced. As I sit to write this message, I am recalling a much-beloved old tune and...

A favorite blessing: Dolly Jacobs

Our annual campaign theme is 200 Years of Blessings: Imagine What Comes Next.  Over the next few weeks, members of the Stewardship Committee will share some blessings they have experienced.   We have all been blessed in so many ways by being a member of First...

The joy of children’s choir

Since I was a child I have always loved the season of Fall.  There were so many things to look forward to — a new school year, a new year of activities at church, and of course the cooler weather, apple cider, and beautiful foliage. As an adult, this is still my...