Social change, messy art & fun games

Who doesn’t love getting messy with paints, playing fun games and hearing a good story?! Join us this summer for a few hours at the Greensboro History Museum as we connect as FPC families and learn about art and activism. The morning together is inspired by the...

Remembering our oldest member, Kate Tallmadge

Kate Tallmadge died on Sunday, July 11, at age 104. Last year member Tamara Slaughter talked with Kate about her life and her Presbyterian heritage. Service information will be shared as available.   If you’re lucky enough to engage Kate Tallmadge in...

A state of blessedness

We’ve embarked on our summer blessings series and given that focus, I am hyper aware of when I see or hear the word, “blessed.” The other day, I noticed a person standing on the side of the road with this sign, “Will you please bless me with $1?” I read this on the...

Making action part of prayer

Praying is hard.  We often pray corporately in worship, personally out of a plea for pain or worry to pass, intercession for others, in lament for loved ones or tragedies, and sometimes selfishly in bargaining or in a wishing manner. As people of faith, we know prayer...

Our FPC veterans

Happy Fourth of July! I hope each of you were able to relax and enjoy time with family and friends this past weekend. I am curious if you knew that we have at least 62 U.S. Veterans in our congregation? No matter your political convictions, I think Independence Day is...

Going Back

I am writing this from a coffee house that didn’t exist three years ago. It used to be a pizza place. I used to eat lunch here all the time in high school. It is one of the only places a student could walk to during open campus lunch and still make it back for...

Growing hydrangeas and the spiritual life

This spring I was visiting a local nursery where I enjoy purchasing plants and struck up a conversation with one of the employees. We were sharing stories of what was growing well in the vegetable and flower gardens this year and I happened to mention that my...

Faith community matters

Nostalgic moments seem to dominate my mind these days. I just returned from time with my New Orleans family. I received the gift of a new book. It is called Welcome Corner: A New History of St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church. Written by the recently retired senior...

Disowning the Bible

” ‘Appropriating’ seems to have the same stress put on it in relating the individual to the world through the ownership of property as ‘belief ‘ has in relating the individual to the world through the acquisition and power of knowledge.’” –Stanley...

From Batts residency to local pulpits

Dear FPC Family, Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As Paul wrote to the Philippians, I thank God every time I think of you. I am thankful for my time here as a Sid and Cathy Batts Pastoral Resident, but now that time has come to a...