Let Us Say What We Believe

Many still find the familiar and ancient words of the Apostles Creed or the Nicene Creed comforting and powerful. Even if after all these years we are not sure about the holy catholic church or the descent into hell. Or why is it necessary that we affirm that Jesus...

What makes traditions important?

This Advent season, we are joyfully able to bring back some of our favorite children’s ministry traditions, including making Advent wreaths, decorating the gingerbread church, and our family Christmas Eve Nativity service. Some of them have had to be modified a...

This week, look for the light

As we enter winter and daylight hours are waning, as we walk through Advent, the theme of light and darkness is all around us.  As each candle in the wreath is lit, we move closer toward the light that symbolizes Christ’s coming. As we sit in this time, waiting,...

Dirty Feet

Jesus got up from the table took off his outer robe, and tied a towel around himself. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel that was tied around him…After he had washed their feet, had put on his...

Finding God’s work in a letter

It has been a week of blessings, big and small, unexpected reminders of God’s goodness and God’s people’s generosity. I’ve heard stories about our members tending to one another and to their neighbors, sometimes literally washing another’s feet. I know you are caring...

Faith in Numbers as a church of Faith

“Faith in Numbers.” Really? What does that even mean? The world is probably split, 50/50 as to those that HAVE “Faith in Numbers” and those that do NOT have “Faith in Numbers.” So, here’s a take on “Faith in Numbers.” Annually, we as a church of Faith, gather...

Expressing Christian gentleness

When Gentleness appears on the list of the Fruits of the Spirit, I usually wonder what kind of implications it has.  Gentleness like non-violence?  Gentleness like a calm and stoic demeanor?  Gentleness like powerlessness?  Gentleness like compassion?  Gentleness like...

Precious reminders of what matters

Recent weeks have gifted me with powerful reminders of why the church matters. Celebrating Communion and reading the names of our saints who died this year reminded me of how worship bears witness to our unity in Christ. Praying in the columbarium that afternoon with...

My Stewardship conversation with God

Giving to First Presbyterian Church matters to me because it supports Christian formation of all ages.  My earliest and fondest memories as a child include the fun times that I had in Sunday School.  As a teenager, the place for me to hang out was with the youth...

A giving community for our boys

By Katharine Farless The first time Graham and I walked into the grand sanctuary at First Presbyterian, we were searching for our new church home, having just moved from Chapel Hill to Greensboro the year prior. We were expecting our first child, and I was adamant...