Precious reminders of what matters

Recent weeks have gifted me with powerful reminders of why the church matters. Celebrating Communion and reading the names of our saints who died this year reminded me of how worship bears witness to our unity in Christ. Praying in the columbarium that afternoon with...

My Stewardship conversation with God

Giving to First Presbyterian Church matters to me because it supports Christian formation of all ages.  My earliest and fondest memories as a child include the fun times that I had in Sunday School.  As a teenager, the place for me to hang out was with the youth...

A giving community for our boys

By Katharine Farless The first time Graham and I walked into the grand sanctuary at First Presbyterian, we were searching for our new church home, having just moved from Chapel Hill to Greensboro the year prior. We were expecting our first child, and I was adamant...

What we’ve learned about church during the pandemic

When many of the world’s comforts seemed to come to an abrupt end, FPC gave encouragement through virtual community worship. I’m thankful to First Presbyterian in a way I doubt is widely known.  We’ve been FPC members for many years. My husband, Chris, and I were...

Breathe and remember

“Almighty God, you have knit together your elect in one communion and fellowship in the mystical body of your Son, Christ our Lord.” Found in the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer, I love the imagery of us being knitted together – all believers of all places and...

What inspires you?

A big part of developing and growing as a person is seeking and finding inspiration. Sometimes we just want to be entertained or to forget our own problems for a while, but I am constantly on the hunt for books and films and encounters with real people who inspire me...

Talk with the authors

How often have you read a book and longed to meet the author so you could ask questions that you pondered or hear them speak to how the book came to be? I enjoy reading all kinds of books and sometimes participating in and leading the FPC Currie Library Book Club...

God is so good

Growing up singing songs of the faith in Sunday School and VBS, a favorite of mine was God is So Good. The simple lyrics reiterate important theological concepts that we want our children to grasp from a young age: God is so good God loves us so God hears our prayers...

Officially our 12th Senior Pastor!

I find myself re-living the afternoon of October 17 over and over again, each time finding more reasons to give thanks to God. The members of the commission, the music, the choir, the weather, the lemonade on the lawn, the sermon, the PNC seated together, members of...

Giving folds us into community

The street evangelist cries out, “Get right with God.” Our giving to FPC is part of our spiritual quest to get right with God. We believe that the ways we use our financial resources are, in large measure, moral choices. In his book Mere Christianity...