Change, peace, and God’s new thing

I am revisiting a book I read a few years ago, The Power of Pull: How Small Moves, Smartly Made, Can Set Big Things in Motion. The authors, there are three of them, want to help readers navigate the onslaught of information and the relentless, expansive, fast change...

Where’s the pleasure in your toil?

Humans, it seems, have a propensity for marking time. We celebrate birthdays and anniversaries ritualistically. We countdown days until specific holidays arrive and, often, become extremely attached to the traditions that accompany them. We mark off calendar days and...

Just stop.

As we enter February, another month in this strange new normal-ish of COVID, we may feel as stuck in it as ever. The end, which seemed to be in sight, feels far off again. As Jill named last week, in these past few years we’ve been through a lot.  A lot has happened...

Trying to weather the small things

Recently I had the experience of getting an insurance company to make an exception. The story is long, boring and all-too-familiar. You’ve likely lived it. The medication or procedure is not covered. The doctor is out of network. Too bad, so sad, think of the care you...

Big changes from small gestures

While solving big problems with big ideas is needed and important, it is also true that most positive changes will come in very small ways one life at a time, one little plot of land at a time, one person willing to do the right thing against all odds and with little...

Join the MLK Jr. Day Virtual Service

Join First Presbyterian Church and the greater Greensboro Faith community in the 17th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day Virtual Interfaith Worship Service, this Monday, January 17 at noon. The theme is Shifting Priorities to Create the Beloved Community. Below are...

Eat, pray, celebrate ordination

Eat together. Pray together. Celebrate together. This is the motto of the place where I had the privilege to live the past 3 years in seminary.  A place of folks of all different abilities, doing life together.  We were seminary students and friends living with...

The gift of each other

Grant, being a fan of all things over-the-top-Christmas, has a large collection of Christmas-themed ties, both secular and sacred. One of his favorites looks understated, what with its diagonal red and green stripes and block letters that repeat the phrases: “Merry...

Happy New Year

The turning of the calendar is a somewhat random marking of time, but it is, nonetheless, an occasion to reflect backwards and be intentional about moving forward. I don’t really make New Year’s resolutions, but I do like to pause and think about what I want to take...

A poem to close the year

Matt Logan, Director of Discipleship & Young Adult Ministry, penned this offering for the close of the year.     WE DID WHAT WE SAID WE WOULDN’T: STANZAS FOR THE TIRED THIS HOLIDAY SEASON You did what you said you wouldn’t And I did it too. Of course...