Wondering with our children

As children gathered last Thursday morning for a Noah’s Ark Godly Play story, as the preschool children gather for Godly Play at their weekly chapel time, and as we all are welcomed to join the Godly Play moment during Sunday’s worship, we are reminded of the gift of...

It’s been awhile — say hello!

This past week in the Discipleship Committee meeting, there was an incredible amount of energy about this new church year especially around being more warm and welcoming to everyone. More, you might say? Prior to COVID you all were very welcoming and engaged members...

The forgiveness we give

What does it mean to forgive someone? Sometimes on the evening news we will hear about an incredible story of forgiveness, something that sounds impossible.  A father will forgive his daughter’s murderer; a woman will forgive the stranger who held her up at gunpoint...

Growth, hope, and new life

Growth. It can be an exciting word – one we may think of with summertime, fruits and vegetables and flowers growing all around.  Perhaps a seemingly unending thing – within those gardens weeds continue to spring forth, sometimes seemingly faster than the plants you...

Words and context matter

Friends, As you may be aware, the 225th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) met earlier this month. One of the actions they took was to approve an overture declaring Israel an apartheid state. This action, unsurprisingly, has garnered much attention...

The outstretched hand

As we read Psalm 138 in worship yesterday, I could not help but notice our call to lift praises to God and to trust. The psalmist doesn’t say anything about it being easy; in fact it names our walking in the midst of trouble. However, through the trouble, the psalmist...

Have a seat with Jesus

Just yesterday, God’s Word hit me between the eyes. Some of you all have heard me say, that we need to be careful when we say a particular text is a familiar one, before we read it, because our mind can go to the end without hearing it fresh each time. In worship...

Honoring our friend, Dolly

Several years ago, when my daughters, who are now ages 15-20, were still just toddlers, I joined a bible study group at FPC for moms with young children. It was led by Dolly who was a mom of young children herself at the time. Over the years, some people left and new...

The gift of self-denial

The header on no less than twelve shelves in the chain bookstore read: “Self-Transformation.” Intrigued, I scanned the sub-headers that ranged from witchcraft to manifestation. There was a section on chakras and another on astrology. These shelves were distinct from...

We have an action plan

It is wonderful to be part of an active church that engages the community in outreach. Throughout Scripture we are told what we have been called to do. One of the most familiar passages comes from the prophet Micah: God has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what...