When I was asked to be a part of our Capital Campaign at the end of last summer, knowing that we had a lofty goal of over $ 11 million, it took much prayerful consideration before I could say yes. I came to the conclusion that while I’m not a practiced fund raiser, I do love this church. I also was reminded that God knows what we need and he will provide.
I am pleased to announce that to date we have received over 300 pledges totaling more than $9.8 million. We are now at 87% of our goal. Our congregation has achieved this in a little over four months with less than half the historic contributors participating. To that end, we have sent out 300 letters to those that have yet to pledge as a reminder that their support is still needed. Our Lead Gifts team continues their efforts, staying in contact with potential large contributors. We are expecting totals to grow even more.
Where are we now?
As the Project Review Committee has been making plans, it appears that due to inflation with rising materials and labor costs, the total amount needed to achieve all campaign benchmarks will be greater than our established goal. The actual costs are still being determined and an accurate number is not available at this time. As mentioned earlier, while pledges and contributions continue to mount, we cannot confidently say that all aspects of the Benchmarks can be accomplished.
Going forward the Project Review Committee will be evaluating the benchmark projects and assessing incoming projects bids. Reports from that committee will be forthcoming in future Session meetings. Items not related to renovation projects are similarly being assessed to see how we can accomplish those aspirations. The Capital Campaign committee will also continue to update the Session on pledge progress as we move into the fulfillment phase.
As a community in faith, we have accomplished a great thing raising an incredible amount of money in a very short span. I want to acknowledge Joel Mikell, our campaign consultant, for his guidance and encouragement throughout these past several months.
But even more important, I need to recognize all the hard work and dedication the entire Campaign Committee, Church Staff, and especially Jill have dedicated to this undertaking. It is their commitment that has achieved a great thing that will help to sustain these buildings and allow us to do Gods work in His house and into our community.
Historically, the definition of First Fruits is the initial results of an enterprise or endeavor. It is a symbol of our trust in God that He will provide. We celebrated the campaign’s First Fruits on Sunday, and we need to keep in mind that we as a congregation are achieving a monumental task of raising $11 million. That is an achievement and a gift from God.
To paraphrase the beginning of Psalm 105:
“Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name;
make known among our FPC congregation what He has done.”
Make a pledge to the campaign here.
Make a one-time gift to the campaign here.