This site is the result of two years of research and work by the Communications Committee, who reviewed the full network of FPC communications tools to determine the best use of each, and took a deep look at our site and those of a dozen other churches, Presbyterian and other, in Greensboro and around the country.

The 90-second summary:

  • The site was designed with mobile devices in mind, so it will be easier to use on your phones, tablets, etc. On your phone or tablet, the home page will have three lines at the top right. That is the menu link. Click on it to access primary sections of the site. (On your computer, the menu appears across the top of the home page.)
  • Weekly worship information is now on the home page. The Sunday page on our old site was one of the most popular, and now you don’t have to click through for that information. After a member suggestion, the bulletin posted online will now include the full text of hymns and scriptures for those worshipping from home.
  • The staff directory is available in several places. The shortcut is through the menu link. Click Connect to get the directory box. (On your computer, the Connect link is at the top of the page.)
  • Each ministry section has its own calendar of events, so you don’t have to sift through the main calendar. You can still see the full Programs & Events or Committees & Planning schedules from the calendar link (in the menu on mobile or at the top on desktop).
  • There are two blogs where we will share stories, short notes and reminders, and interesting things we find around the web. The general blog, North Elm Notes, is on the home page. Children’s Ministry has a blog on its page devoted to its programs and faithful parenting.
  • The home page is one giant, warm and welcoming invitation to visitors and potential members! Even the new email address for general questions is more welcoming — The site is full of photos of our ministry together, as we seek to show more than say.
  • Two important notes: If you had bookmarked pages you often visited on the old site, be sure to update them. As you are visiting the new site, if you see something that doesn’t work or needs to be changed, please send an email to

Jazz hands for these First Preszers

Please thank these members, who put many hours into this project at church, at home, and on their mobile phones over the past two years: Clint Farabow, Sheri Evans, Bonnie McAlister, Ty Buckner, Susan DeVaney, Lavonne Fisher, Dan Kerns, Hunter Ricks, Eric Townsend, and Adrienne Woods.

What’s next

We expect to spend the next month or so polishing and tweaking. After that we will focus on making the member page & portal more useful. The Technology Committee is in the finishing stages of a tool that will allow you to see FPC’s service opportunities and contact someone to get involved. Over the summer a ministry team led by Nancy Abrams looked at member login sites at other churches. At the top of the wish list is online registration for events.

In the new year you will also see a renovated church magazine. A team led by Susan DeVaney has been working on this project.

You are part of the story

The Communications Ministry participates in God’s transforming work at FPC by spreading the word about the church’s ministries, people, and activities, and sharing stories about how people experience God working in and through our lives. Your stories and photos are needed and welcome! Contact Ann Alexander, or 336.478.4757.