Dear Families,
Hope you are having a great week! Here’s what’s happening.
VBS & Summer KDC registration is OPEN!!! VBS & KDC will take place on August 4-7 from 9am-noon.
Ages three-rising second graders will be taking an Arctic Adventure at VBS while rising 3rd-5th graders are on a Kindness Quest at Kids Disciple Club!
CLICK HERE to register for VBS – CLICK HERE to volunteer to help with VBS
CLICK HERE to register for KDC –CLICK HERE to volunteer to drive for KDC
Next Sunday, March 23– Preschool bible presentation for “rising” three year olds in Rejoice at 9am. (kids who turn three between 9/1/2025-8/31/2025). You should have received an email if you have a child in this age range. If you did not receive the email, please let me know ASAP. If you did receive the email, remember to RSVP ASAP!
We are accepting donations of plastic eggs and NUT FREE candy or Ester Egg treats! We will be making family sets of resurrection eggs on Palm Sunday (April 13) and will have and Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday, April 20. You can bring donations on Sundays or drop them at the Welcome Center during the week (Mon-Thurs, 9am-noon). Thanks!
This Sunday, March 16
Regular Sunday School resumes! Preschool-5th graders will be learning about the Lenten and spiritual practice of fasting in age appropriate ways!
Preschool in CORL 304
Kindergarten-2nd grade in CORL 301
3rd-5th grade in CORL 306
Parents are invited to the Faithful Families class that meets in Memorial 304. They will be discussing the book “The Language of the Soul.” Books are available for purchase in the welcome center. However, you do not have to read to attend the class! Just come!
Worship at 9am (Rejoice) and 11am (Sanctuary). Baptism Sunday!
Nursery care available throughout the morning beginning at 8:45am.
Coming Up
- March 16, 23, 30, April 6 – Regular Sunday School for Preschool, K-2nd, 3rd-5th
- Next Sunday, March 23- Preschool bible presentation for “rising” three year olds (kids who turn three between 9/1/2025-8/31/2025). You should have received an email if you have a child in this age range.
- April 4 – First Families gathering
- April 6 – Last Regular Sunday school; special 200th celebration coloring book presentation during worship services; KDC meets 3-4:30pm
- April 13 – Palm Sunday – Family Sunday School & Palm Processional at both services
- April 20 – Easter – Egg Hunt at 10am; Two Identical worship services in the Sanctuary at 9 & 11
- April 27 – No Sunday School; ONE WORSHIP SERVICE at 11am in the sanctuary followed by potluck lunch
- May 4 – Kids art show at 10am in the Solarium! More details to come!
- Also, May 4 – KDC End of Year Celebration (Sunday, the KDC kids voted for Urban Air! Look for registration and more details soon!)
Please be in touch if you have any questions or concerns!
Lisa Witherspoon
Director of Children & Youth Ministry
First Presbyterian Church, Greensboro, NC
(336) 478-4726