Since I was a child I have always loved the season of Fall. There were so many things to look forward to — a new school year, a new year of activities at church, and of course the cooler weather, apple cider, and beautiful foliage.
As an adult, this is still my favorite season — the return to school and routine for my family, new and renewed activities at the church, and a brand new year of children’s choir!
Joy is the word I most associate with children’s choir. We have a great time in choir singing and playing musical games.
And choir is a place where friendships grow! Some of my fondest memories from childhood are in the choir loft at my parent’s church sitting with the elementary children learning new songs and performing musicals in the chancel together about Moses, Zaccheus, and the Prodigal Son.
Not only are these joyful memories, but also looking back now I can see how formational this time was for my faith and my understanding of God, God’s love, and God’s people. When we sing the words of scripture, words about faith and doctrine, our faith is formed, grown, and strengthened.
The words and melodies still are in my heart and mind from 40 years ago when I sang them as a child. “Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say, rejoice!,” reminds me that we are created to praise the Lord. “You’ve got to have love, joy, peace, patience and kindness for this is the fruit of the spirit…” helped me memorize and internalize the qualities that show God is working in us. “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God…” was a powerful reminder of God’s love from 1 John.
Singing also offers us a sure way to learn the words of scripture and embed them in our hearts. When we put words to song we memorize more easily, and children have the best memories! The more they sing the words the more the words saturate their hearts and minds and form who they are becoming.
It gives me great joy and purpose to teach and sing these Bible stories with the Cherub Choir (ages 3-kindergarten.) The lyrics from our musical about Daniel and the lion’s den this past spring are a prime example, “Here I am, Lord, take and use me, for I know you have a plan for me,” These words help our children to know the God who loves them and shapes their very lives.
Similarly, it is truly a gift to sing the benediction with them after each rehearsal, “Go now in peace! May the love of God surround you everywhere!” And as we send them, we pray “May God’s grace and truth penetrate the hearts and minds of our children, O God.”
If you have children in your life aged 3 through high school, we would love to have them try our children’s choirs! We begin this Wednesday, September 11. Cherub Choir (aged 3-kindergarten) meets from 5-5:30pm in Corl 303 with me, Credo Choir (1st and 2nd grade) meets from 5-5:30 in Smith 301 with John, and Canticle Choir (3rd grade-high school) meets from 5:30-6:30 in Smith 301 with John Alexander.
Come and experience the joy of choir!